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  • Temperature:29 ℃
  • PoP:80%

Note: The tour suggestions shown on our website are just the reference for visitors. The park does not run any tours for tourists.
For a day set(paid) tour for Taroko gorge, please take “Taiwan tour bus” suggested by Tourism Bureau of Taiwan.
Please get on Taiwan Tour Bus's website for the English speaking tour reservation ahead of your requested date.
The website is
According to different travel agents, the price will be different. A day trip can be either depart from Taipei or Hualien train station.

Suggestion A

A hike along the Shimen Mt. Trail
Time requirement: 7-8 hr.

High Mountain Treks: Suggestion A

Tour Suggestions Nature Treks-A Details download(.pdf) Tour Suggestions Nature Treks-A Details download(.doc)

High mountains treks Suggestion A:
A trek along the Mt. Shimen Mt. Trail (time requirement: 7-8 h) Route: Taroko Visitor Center(Hwy. No. 8, 198 km) --- Xiaofengkou (Hwy. No. 14A, 36.5 km) --- Mt. Shimen Trail(Hwy. No. 14A, 33.5 km). Brief introduction to the trek: Driving from the Taroko Visitor Center to Xiaofengkou- Mt. Hehaun Service Staion requires 3-4 h. From Xiaofengkou to the trailhead of Mt. Shimen Trail, there is an uphill stretch of highway for 3 km. Mt. Shimen has an elevation of 3,237 m. The length of the trail is 750 m. The trail follows a slowly ascending path, and to and fro the trail needs 40 to 50 min. or more. It depends on your physical condition.

Suggestion B

Mt. Hehuanjian (Mt. Hehuan Peak)
Time requirement: about 20-30 min.

High Mountain Treks: Suggestion B

Tour Suggestions Nature Treks-A Details download(.pdf) Tour Suggestions Nature Treks-A Details download(.doc)

High mountains treks Suggestion B:
Mt. Hehuanjian (Mt. Hehuan Peak) Time requirement: about 20-30 min. Hehuan Peak (phonetic sound Hehuanjianshan) Route :Hehuan Villa (3150 m) --- Hehuan Peak(3217 m) (phonetic sound Hehuanjianshan))

Suggestion C

Hehuan East Peak (Eastern peak of Hehuan Mountain)
Time requirement: about 1.5-2 hr.

High Mountain Treks: Suggestion C

Tour Suggestions Nature Treks-A Details download(.pdf) Tour Suggestions Nature Treks-A Details download(.doc)

High mountains treks Suggestion C:
Hehuan East Peak (Eastern peak of Mt. Hehuan) Time requirement: about 1.5-2 hr. Route: Hehuan Villa(3150 m) --- Hehuan East Peak(3421m)

Suggestion D

Hehuan Main Peak (Main peak of Hehuan Mountain)
Time requirement: about 1.5-2 hr.

High Mountain Treks: Suggestion D

Tour Suggestions Nature Treks-A Details download(.pdf) Tour Suggestions Nature Treks-A Details download(.doc)

High mountains treks Suggestion D:
Hehuan Main Peak ( phonetic sound --Hehuanzhuifeng) Route: Wu Peak (Wuling) Parking Lots(3275 m) ---Foot Trail ----Hehuan Main Peak communication branch road --- Hehuan Main Peak. Time requirement about 40-50 min.