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Road Conditions-2024/07/27
  • Central Cross-Island Highway
    Partially Open
    Partially Open

    Taiwan Provincial Highway 8, 14 A- Wushe Branch Road and Highway 9 Construction Traffic Control Information in July 2024

    Provincial Highway 8 (Central Cross-Island Highway)
    Road nighttime closures from 6:30 PM to 7:00 AM the following day.

    Traffic control and release measures for the July of the eastern section (Dayuling to Taroko, 110.1 km~184.5 km)) of Provincial Highway 8 known as the Central Cross-Island Highway.

    After the eastern section of Provincial Highway 8 reopened on April 8th 2024, orderly repair and restoration work along the highway is currently underway. Due to reduced stability of roadside slopes following the earthquake, occasional aftershocks, and unstable weather conditions influenced by frontal systems leading to frequent heavy afternoon rainfalls, the frequency of rockfalls remains high. To ensure the safety of travelers and accommodate the repair and reconstruction efforts, construction control measures are being implemented in phases, allowing controlled passage, with plans to gradually relax restrictions based on the progress of reconstruction work.

    The Taroko Maintenance Division Office of the Eastern Region Branch Office Highway Bureau, MOTC, following discussions with residents, representatives of various industries, and relevant agencies in the Tianxiang area on June 26th, 2024, reached a consensus. The following traffic control measures are set for the Central Cross-Island Highway Section from Dayuling to Taroko (kilometers 110.1 to 184.5) for July 2024 (from July 1st to 31st):

    1. From Dayuling to Tianxiang (km 110.1 to 167.7), the controlled traffic zone is from km 114.6 (Hehuan Police Station) to km 167.7 (Tianxiang). Traffic control is in effect daily from 7:00 AM to 4:30 PM. Except for flexible control in disaster repair zones along the route as needed, no control measures apply outside these hours. Entry is prohibited after 4:30 PM (exit only), with nighttime closures from 6:30 PM to 7:00 AM the following day. It is recommended that travelers planning to travel from Dayuling to Taroko (Arch Gate) arrive in Tianxiang before 4:30 PM to avoid missing the open period from Tianxiang to Taroko Arch gate (Taroko east entrance, highway marker at 184.5 km). Travelers planning to travel from Taroko Arch gate to Dayuling are advised to pass through Tianxiang between 12:00 PM and 1:00 PM to avoid encountering nighttime closures after 6:30 PM. Please plan your trip accordingly. It takes about 1 hour and 20 minutes driving by car between km 114.6 (Hehuan Police Station) to km 167.7 (Tianxiang).

    2. From Tianxiang to Taroko Arch Gate (km 167.7 to 184.5), regardless of weekdays or public holidays, daily passage will be adjusted to 4 times: 7:00-8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 12:00-1:00 PM, and 4:30-5:30 PM. Additionally, starting July 1st, 2024, to accommodate the needs of local residents, agricultural produce, and economic goods transportation, or in case of delays due to road clearing after morning inspection for disaster relief, an additional passage time will be added at 10:00 AM daily (vehicles arriving at Tianxiang or Taroko Arch Gate before 10:00 AM will wait until queued traffic passes before closure). Entry is prohibited after 5:30 PM (exit only) with nighttime closures from 6:30 PM to 7:00 AM the following day. Furthermore, the diversion measures implemented since June 1st for the section from Taroko Arch Gate to Changchun Tunnel are as follows: Westbound (towards Tianxiang): Shakadang Tunnel → Xila'an Tunnel → Provincial Highway No. 8 Changchun Tunnel → Tianxiang. Eastbound (towards Hualien): Provincial Highway No. 8 → Changchun Tunnel → Taroko Arch Gate → Hualien (Yilan).

    Prior to the release of the above daily traffic control, the emergency repair team will first carry out patrols and remove obstacles on the road surface, and will not rule out the possibility of delaying or suspending the release of traffic; during the release period of the control, if there is a temporary road condition or construction need when passing through the disaster repair area, or if there is a risk of affecting the safety of traffic due to the geographical environment (e.g., rockfalls and slips on the rock wall opposite to the west end of the Liufang Bridge, and sporadic overflowing of mud and rock flows on the side slopes, etc.), the control measures will be taken by means of a flexible control. The Highway Bureau will adopt flexible control measures and release the traffic after the obstruction is removed to maintain the safety of road users.

    The Directorate General of Highways advises road users to be cautious, particularly in mountainous areas prone to rockfalls and landslides after earthquakes or heavy rainfall. It is advised to avoid unnecessary travel in disaster-affected mountainous areas and to stay informed about weather conditions and road closures. Road users are encouraged to utilize the real-time information services provided by The Directorate General of Highways’ Intelligent Provincial Highway Information Network (, download the "Happiness Highway APP" on their mobile devices, and listen to traffic broadcast messages to stay updated on the latest road information. The Directorate General of Highways wishes everyone a safe journey!

    Responsible Unit: Taroko Maintenance Division office
    Road Condition Inquiry Phone: 03-9962683
    Contact Person: Section Chief Chang Chenyao (03-8610775)

    Info Issued by The Eastern Region Branch Office Highway Bureau, MOTC (Tarokmo Maintenance Division office TEL: +886-3-8610775 or +886-3-9962683)

    Info Posted by Taroko National Park Headquarters

    For the latest highway information, please contact the Taroko Maintenance Division Office of The Eastern Region Branch Office Highway Bureau, MOTC.

    Updated Date: June 28, 2024
  • Su-hua Highway
    Partially Open
    Open/Construction Traffic Control

    Taiwan Provincial Highway 9, also known as the Su-Hua Highway. (July 2024 Road construction traffic control info)

    The Xiaqingshui Bridge at 158 km+600 on Su-hua Highway (Provincial Highway 9) was damaged by the earthquake on April 3, 2024. The Nan'ao Maintenance Office of the Eastern Region Branch Office Highway Bureau, MOTC, has been actively repairing the temporary steel bridge. On April 6, it was opened for small vehicles with single-lane two-way traffic. Following the optimization and widening of the temporary steel bridge, the widening and approach road works are now complete. Guardrail construction is underway, and it is expected to open for large vehicles with a speed limit of 15 km/h for two-way traffic starting from May 30, 2024, without restrictions on vehicle types. The repair team will continue the original bridge reconstruction, estimated to be completed by the end of this year (2024).
    Initial Restoration of Large Vehicle Traffic
    In addition to the original bridge reconstruction, multiple slope restoration and safety facility reconstruction works are underway. Construction control is in place from Heren to Chongde. The northern control point is at the north entrance of the Renshui Tunnel (Provincial Highway 9 at 154 km+787), and the southern control point is at the Chongde control point (Provincial Highway 9 at 166 km+700).
    Control Measures

    From May 30, 2024, 17:00 to 8:00: No traffic control during nighttime.
    Weekends and public holidays: No traffic control all day
    Traffic control time: 8:00 - 17:00 (Monday - Friday)
    Traffic Opening Times (3 passage daily)
    (1) 10:00 am to 10:20 am
    (2) 12:00 to 13:00 (extended during midday construction break)
    (3) 15:00 to 15:20
    All vehicles arriving at the control points during these times will be allowed to pass. There is no control during nighttime and weekends. The vehicle length limit of 12.2 meters will be enforced. Drivers are advised to drive carefully and follow the instructions.

    Provincial Highway 9D (64 km+900 to 69 km+100) is still experiencing unstable slopes and ongoing rockfalls. Additionally, there is a landslide section at 65 km+500 (near Heren Railway Station). To ensure the safety of road users, vehicles are advised to use the Renshui Tunnel on Provincial Highway 9. The Renshui Tunnel was designed with separate lanes for fast and slow vehicles and is open to motorcycles and slow vehicles. Large trucks (including oversize vehicles, power machinery, and vehicles transporting hazardous materials) and pedestrians that originally traveled from Heren to Daqingshui on Provincial Highway 9D are all required to use the Renshui Tunnel section of Provincial Highway 9.

    Due to earthquake damage, mountain roads are prone to falling rocks, especially during heavy or continuous rain. Avoid unnecessary travel in these areas, and stay updated on weather and road conditions. Utilize the Highway Bureau’s real-time information service website or the "Happy Highway APP" for the latest updates.

    For more information, please contact management unit:
    Nan'ao Maintenance Office: 03-9982161
    Jinyue Maintenance Office: 03-9982501
    The Eastern Region Branch Office Highway Bureau, MOTC: 03-9962683
    Update date: July 1, 2024
    For any changes, please contact the management unit for the latest updates.

    Info Issued by The Eastern Region Branch Office Highway Bureau, MOTC
    Info Posted by Taroko National Park Headquarters
  • Wushe Section of Cross-Island Island Highway
    Partially Open
    Note: Road users who is bound for east Taiwan through Provincial Highway 8 have to notice road closure at nighttime from km 167.7 ~ 184.5 km (Tianxiang - Taroko).

    Taiwan Provincial Highway 14 and 14A Road Construction Control Information

    The Puli Maintenance Office of The Central Region Branch Office Highway Bureau, MOTC, is conducting slope protection and reconstruction works on Taiwan Provincial Highway 14 and Taiwan Provincial Highway 14 A to enhance the strength and resilience of slopes. The construction period is from July 2, 2024 (Tuesday) to September 30, 2024 (Monday). Specifically, the construction covers:
    Taiwan Provincial Highway 14: From km 71 (Nanfeng) to km 79 (Wushe).
    Taiwan Provincial Highway 14 A: From km 18+500 (Cuifeng) to km 24 (Yuanfeng).
    Construction activities include slope protection, ground anchors, and retaining wall reconstruction. Work hours are from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM daily (excluding weekends and public holidays), and single-lane traffic will be maintained in both directions throughout the construction period.
    To minimize traffic disruptions, segmental control and passage will be coordinated between eastbound (up) and westbound (down) construction zones within each work area (specifically at km 75.65, 76.2, 76.9, 78.3 for Highway 14 and km 18.99, 21.75, 23.4, 23.9 for Highway 14 A). Additionally:
    Full-day traffic management personnel will be stationed at km 72+100 (Nanfeng) on Highway 14.
    Traffic at km 75+900 (Zhongyong Bridge) will be controlled by traffic lights for single-lane, bidirectional passage (adjustable based on actual site conditions).
    Road users are advised to patiently comply with traffic lights and personnel instructions to ensure road safety. We apologize for any inconvenience caused during the construction period.

    Responsible Units and Contact Information:
    The Eastern Region Branch Office Highway Bureau, MOTC, Taroko Maintenance Office Road Condition Inquiry Phone: 03-9962683 Contact: Section Chief Jan Chen-Yao (03-8610775)
    The Central Region Branch Office Highway Bureau, MOTC, Puli Maintenance Office Road Condition Inquiry Phone: 049-2982066 Contact: Section Chief Qiu Bing-Rong
    For the latest highway information, please contact the Highway Bureau.
    Last Updated: July 1, 2024