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  • Temperature:29 ℃
  • PoP:80%

Note: The tour suggestions shown on our website are just the reference for visitors. The park does not run any tours for tourists.
For a day set(paid) tour for Taroko gorge, please take “Taiwan tour bus” suggested by Tourism Bureau of Taiwan.
Please get on Taiwan Tour Bus's website for the English speaking tour reservation ahead of your requested date.
The website is
According to different travel agents, the price will be different. A day trip can be either depart from Taipei or Hualien train station.

Trail opening condition

Suggestion A

Hiking on Tunnel of Nine Turns Trail

Natural Treks: Suggestion A

Tour Suggestions Nature Treks-A Details download(.pdf)  Tour Suggestions Nature Treks-A Details download(.doc)  Tour Suggestions Nature Treks-A Details download(.odt)

Nature Trek Suggestion A:
A natural trek along the Jiuqudong (Tunnel of Nine Turns) Trail (estimated time required: 4-5 hours). The must-see trail which the Tunnel of Nine Turns Trail- a 2 kilometer hike in Taroko National Park. Route: Taroko Visitor Center (Hwy. No. 8, 184.5 km)---Buluowan (Hwy. No. 8, 177.8 km)---Swallow Grotto (Hwy. No. 8, 176.9 km)---Tianxiang (Hwy. No. 8 167.4 km) ---Jiuqudong Trail (Hwy. No. 8, 173.7 km)---Eternal Spring (Changchun) Shrine (Hwy. No. 8, 186 km) ---Qingshui Cliff (Hwy. No. 9, 180.4 km)

Suggestion B

Baiyang Waterfall Trail

Natural Treks: Suggestion B

Tour Suggestions Nature Treks-B Details download(.pdf)  Tour Suggestions Nature Treks-B Details download(.doc)   Tour Suggestions Nature Treks-B Details download(.odt)

Nature Trek Suggestion B:
HA hike along the Baiyang foot trail (time requirement: 4-5 hours). Route: Taroko Visitor Center(Hwy. No. 8, 189 km) --- Baiyang waterfall Trail(Hwy. No. 8, 168 km) Brief introduction to the trek: You can drive your car to the starting point of the trek (there is a car park at the lower right hand side by the highway about 50 meters ahead of the trailhead). Or you can take a bus, (Hualien Bus Co.) get off at Tianxiang and walk along the Central Cross-Island Highway westward for about 500 meters to reach the trailhead. En route, you can enjoy the sceneries of the gorge. In addition, you can also choose another trail (such as Sakadang, Lushui, Jiuqudong, Changchun Shrine Trails etc.) to make it a full day's trekking.

Suggestion C

The Lushui Trail

Natural Treks: Suggestion C

Tour Suggestions Nature Treks-C Details download(.pdf)  Tour Suggestions Nature Treks-C Details download(.doc)  Tour Suggestions Nature Treks-C Details download(.odt)

Nature Trek Suggestion C:
A hike along the Lushui Trail (time requirement: 4-5 hours) Route: Taroko Visitor Center (Park Headquarters) (Hwy. No. 8, 189 km) --- Tianxiang (Hwy. No. 8, 170 km) ---Lushui Trail(Hwy. No. 8, 172 km) . Brief introduction to the trek: This trek starts from Tianxiang on a return leg of 2 km at Lushui. The trailhead is located near an exhibition hall left of the highway. You can complete the trail (trail entrance is opposite of the Heliu Campground) and then take a rest at Tianxiang before taking another trail.