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  • Temperature:25 ℃
  • PoP:60%
Provincial Highway 8 km Marker, Distance between Landmarks and Number of Parking Space 省道台8線遊憩據點里程及可停車數量
Number of Parking Space可停車數量
Bus Stop towards Jiuqudong (Tunnel of Nine Turns)往九曲洞候車處
Pick-up/drop-off only at Jiuqudong Trail (Tunnel of Nine Turns). Parking is available ahead at Lushui (173.6km).九曲洞步道僅供臨停無停車位,停放車輛請前行至綠水停車場(173.6k)
Please wait patiently after pressing the button.按鈕後請耐心等候
Press the button is unnecessary when the traffic light has 3 colors.三色運作無需按鈕
The button only works when the traffic light is flashing yellow.閃光時按鈕始有效
Press the button before crossing the road穿越道路請先按鈕
Due to the steep terrain, a wheelchair ramp could not be built for this toilet. If you require a wheelchair ramp, please use the toilet at the Taroko Visitor Center. We are very sorry for the inconvenience.本公廁因地形陡峭無法興築身心障礙坡道請往前至太魯閣遊客中心使用公廁,不便之處敬請見諒。
Mountain Entry Permit Required須入山申請
Waterscape (Shuijing) Trail (or River Landscape Trail)水景步道
Qilie Pavilion Junction 奇烈亭岔路口