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  • Temperature:25 ℃
  • PoP:20%
route chart

The fastest route:
Visitors are advised to take Freeway No. 3 in Taipei to connect Freeway No. 5 from Nangang, Taipei via Yilan to Su'ao then connect to the Provincial Highway No. 9 (Su-hua Highway) going from Su'ao to Taroko National Park Headquarters. It takes about 3-3.5 hours to drive from Taipei to Taroko during off-peak-hours.

Drivers are advised to check the [Road Conditions] before your trips.

From North Taiwan-Taipei:

  • Option 1:
    Take Provincial Highway No. 9 from Xintian (New Taipei City), through Yilan and Su'ao to Taroko National Park headquarters.
  • Option2:
    Take Provincial Highway No. 2 from Rueifang (New Taipei City)) to Yilan, and then continue on Provincial Highway No. 9 to Taroko National Park.
  • Option 3: (2-2.5 hrs/ The fastest route)
    Take Freeway No. 3 in Taipei from Nangang or Muzha to connect Freeway No. 5 via Yilan to Su'ao, then from Su'ao connect to the Provincial Highway 9- Alternative Route (Su-hua Alternative Route opened on January 6, 2020) (Su-hua highway) to Taroko National Park Headquarters.

From South Taiwan-Taitung:

  • Option 1 (Faster):
    Take Provincial Highway No. 9 from Taitung to the Taroko National Park. It takes about 3-3.5 hours.
  • Option2 (Costal scenery) :
    Take Provincial Highway No. 11 from Taitung to Hualien and then Provincial Highway No. 9 to Taroko National Park Headquarters. It takes about 3.5-4 hours.

From West Taiwan-Taichung:

  • Option 1:
    Taichung-- Provincial Highway 63 (Zhong-Tou Highway) - Provincial Highway 63A—Caotun -- Provincial Highway 14—Puli-- Provincial Highway 14A (14Jia) — Dayuling-- Provincial Highway 8 (Central Cross-Island Hwy.) --- Tianxiang ---Taroko National Park Headquarters.
  • Option 2 (Faster):
    Taichung—Freeway #3 — Caotun -- Freeway #6 — Puli -- Provincial Highway 14A (14Jia) — Dayuling -- Provincial Highway #8 (Central Cross-Island Hwy.) – Tianxiang -- Taroko National Park Headquarters. It takes about 5.5~6 hours from Taichung to Taroko National Park Headquarters.

The fastest route

The fastest route:
Visitors are advised to take Freeway No. 3 in Taipei to connect Freeway No. 5 from Nangang, Taipei via Yilan to Su'ao then connect to the Provincial Highway No. 9 (from Su’ao to Chongde section called Su-hua Alternative Route completed on January 6, 2020) going from Su'ao to Taroko National Park Headquarters. It takes about 2-2.5 hours to drive from Taipei to Taroko during off-peak-hours.

Freeway No. 5 (The fastest route)

Taking Freeway No. 5 is the fastest way from Taipei to Su’ao (about 1.5 hrs). It goes through Xueshan Tunnel, the longest highway tunnel in Asia and the 5th in the world, which started service on June 16th, 2006. You can get the road condition from the real time national freeway traffic information system.
You can change to the Provincial Highway No. 9 (The mountainous section improvement project from Su’ao to Daqingshui are called Su-hua Alternative Route completed on January 6, 2020) from Su'ao to Taroko National Park Headquarters. (about 2-2.5hr from Taipei to Taroko Naional Park Headquarters driving time)

Provincial Highway No. 9 (Su-Hua Highway)

The Provincial Highway No. 9 (Su-Hua Highway) starts from Xintian Taipei to Taroko National Park Headquarters. The distance is about 189 kilometers (about 4.5-5 hours by car). The road condition of Provincial Highway No. 9 (Su-Hua Highway) is good. If there is heavy rain or during typhoon period (mostly in July and August), please contact the nearby visitor center of Taroko National Park or the Highway Bureau for road conditions.
*Taroko National Park Headquarters:03-8621100 ext. 811-812 or 360
*Highway maintenance Unit: Hualien section:03-8230570; Su'ao Section 03-9982161

From West Taiwan:

The main highway going into Taroko National Park is Provincial Highway. No. 8 (Central Cross-Island Highway). The highway is the main connection between Hualien and Taichung. The east entrance is next to Taroko National Park Headquarters (just 200 meters away). Due to the 1999 9-21 earthquake's damage, the highway is not accessible to Dongshi, Taichung because the west section is closed between Deji Dam and Guguan.
Visitors are recommended to take the highway No. 14A (14Jia) from Dayuling to Puli then change from Puli Freeway No. 6 to Nantou or Taichung.
Visitors are suggested to take warm or winter clothes. The highest point is 3,275 m at Wuling- the highest on any Taiwan Highway on the way to Taichung. It may snow during the winter so visitors should pay attention to the snow condition to decide if the snow chain for cars is necessary.
Provincial Highway No. 14A may be closed for the safety during snow season. Visitors are not allowed to drive from Dayuling upwards to Mt. Hehuan area. The traffic will be under control as long as the snow is heavy.
The snow period normally starts from December to February. Due to the global warming, it snows little during these years. Sometimes snow lasts for 3 days to a week.
*Highway Bureau Maintenance Unit: Taroko section: 03-8691311; Puli section: 049-2982066
*Mt. Hehuan Service Station (Taroko National Park) Tel: 04-25991195

Visitors with international licenses may drive a car in Taiwan. However, for those who are not familiar with the road conditions, it is recommended to rent a car with driver or take a local taxi. Cars can be rented at service counters in major airports, train stations and downtown locations. Some of international hotels also provide car rental service which is convenient to visitors who need just airport pick-up or a journey in a few hours.
Some car rental companies allow customers to return cars at more than just one outlet with additional service charge applied. Most car rental companies offer favorable rental packages, but most rental fees do not include insurance, so it is best to make sure of the company's particular policy before taking a car out.
In Taiwan, cars are driving to the right; drivers and passengers must fasten seatbelts. For car-rental traveling, visitors are advised to familiarize Taiwan's driving regulations. After obtaining legally effective drivers' license, an adventure in Taiwan is ready ahead of you.
Related websites: Replacing Drivers' License: Freeway Services:

Company Name Contact Infomation
World United Rental(Shi Tung Rental) Tel: 886-3-8339178
PONY Rent-A-Car Group Tel: 886-3-8262538 、0800-097888
IWS Tel: 886-3-8265505、0800-008-414
Nice Rent-A-Car Tel: 886-2-25932000、0800-889888
Car-plus Tel: 886-3-8316688
Car rental in Taiwan web link
Transport in Taiwan: Lonely Planet Travel Information web link
Easy Rent Hualien Service Center Tel: 886-3-831-5500
Taiwan Traveler Automobile (T.T.A.) Tel: 886-3-8465558
Expedia - Hualien Car Rental web link
Chailease Auto Rental Tel: 886-3-8332755
web link
Hertz, Taipei, Taiwan Tel: 886-2- 2731 0377
web link