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  • Temperature:22 ℃
  • PoP:30%
Heren River和仁溪
Liangli River良里溪
Mt. Xue E. Peak雪山東峰(次高東山)(3201)
No entry! The trail is precipitous in places. Please access Mt. Hehuan Main Peak from the 29.5 kilometer point of Highway No. 14A. Taroko National Park步道臨崖險峻危險勿進,請由台14甲29.5k 處進入合歡主峰,太魯閣國家公園敬啟
Trail closed due to typhoon.颱風來襲 步道封閉
Watch out for rockfall. Do not loiter.注意落石 請勿逗留
Stairway ahead. Mind your step. 注意階梯 小心行走
Please stay on the trail. Proceed carefully.請勿離開步道以確保安全
No smoking on this trail.本步道全面禁菸
Nine Turns of a Coiled Dragon (或用"The Nine Turns of the Coiled Dragon")九曲蟠龍
Caring for a Beloved One守護摯愛
High Mountains and Flowing Rivers Resemble Echoing Drums高山流水若鼓琴