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  • Permits: Where/How can I apply for a Mountain Access Permit?

    You can apply for the Mountain Access Permit in three ways:

    A. If you have already received your Park Entry Permit, you can automatically transfer your details from the Park Permit application to the Police Mountain Permit application. To do this, on the Online Application for Taiwan National Park Permits website, please go to: Online Application > Check Status/Print Permit/Apply for Mountain Permit > [Enter in your details] > Apply Mountain (Police) Permit. This option should be the second of four, on the bottom of the main column. The processing time for the application should be a few working days. This options is only available 5-30 working days before the starting date of your hike:

    B. You can obtain a Mountain Access Permit in-person by visiting a police station nearby the trail entrance. This can be done any day up to the day of the hike, and should take 10-20 minutes. Note that most police stations are not open 24 hours, so it is best to check their opening hours before arriving. Please visit our website for a list of which police stations can process which trails: and Regulations/Fees&Permits

    C. You can apply for the Police Mountain Permit online by yourself. The processing time for the application should be a few working days. This option is only available 5-30 days before the starting date of your hike. Registration for a restricted mountain areas entry permit is done online through this link: 

  • Permits: When can I apply for a Park Access Permit?

    Most mountaineering routes, as well as Zhuilu Old Road, require advanced application before departure. The application window varies by route:
    5-30 days before entry:
    • Mt. Nanhu
    • Mt. Nanhu – Mt. Zhongyangjian (North Section 1)
    • North Section 2
    • Mt. Shuan – Mt. Lingming
    • Mt. Shuan (single day ascent)
    • North Section 1 to 2
    • Mt. Bilu – Mt. Yangtou
    • Mt. Qilai Main/North Peak
    • Mt. Qilai Range
    • Mt. Qilai South Peak
    • Qilai East Ridge
    • Mt. Qingshui
    • Other (non-traditional) routes
    3-30 days before entry:
    • Mt. Yangtou (single day ascent)
    • Mt. Bilu (single day ascent)
    1-30 days before entry:
    • Zhuilu Old Road: The application window time is before 15pm the day before entering on Tuesday to Friday and before 15 pm on Friday for Saturday to Monday entry.
    35 days-4 months before entry:
    • Zhuilu Old Road Day Ascent (out-and-back to 3.1 km) for Foreign Visitors: Application window open 4 months to 35 days before date of intended entry; weekdays only (Monday to Thursday, excluding public holidays). The application window closes at 3 pm, 35 days before the date of intended entry.
    Applicants can prepare a draft of their application before this date, which is saved on the system for up to 7 full days after the draft was last modified. The system accepts applications daily from 07:00 to 23:00 in the order which they are received:
    Applicants can use the widget on the lower right section of the Online Applications for Taiwan National Park Permits homepage to calculate the dates of the application window given the intended hiking dates:

    Foreign Visitors may apply up to 4 months ahead
    Zhuilu Old Road:
    Starting 01 September 2019, foreign visitors are able to submit applications 35 days - 4 months before date of entry via the “Online Application for Taiwan National Park Permits” website. We hope that the new measures will allow more foreign visitors to experience the exquisite scenery within Taroko Gorge. Please contact our Recreation and Services Section (Tel:+886-3-8621576 or +886-3-8621100 ext. 605; Office Hours: Mon – Fri 08:30 – 12:30; 13:30 – 17:30) or review the following details if you wish to apply through this method:

    A: Application window: 35 days to 4 months prior to the date of intended entry (date of intended entry restricted to between Monday – Thursday)
    B: Application Website: Through the English version of the “Online Application for Taiwan National Park Permits” website
    C: Restrictions: Applicants can submit one application (maximum 12 persons per application) for Zhuilu Old Road per date of intended entry. An applicant can be a team member or a team leader only once per day (e.g. one cannot be a member of a team and the leader of another team on the same day.) All team members must possess foreign nationality; please upload the photo page of your valid passport or a resident ID Card as proof.
    D: Once an application has been approved, the date of entry and the names of all team members (including the leader, team members, and the emergency coordinator) cannot be altered, and additional team members cannot be added to the same application. Cancellation (for an individual or for the entire party, excluding the team leader) can be accepted. Separate applications should be submitted if additional members wish to hike on the same date of intended entry.
    E: Standby Measure: There will be no standby measures (i.e. waitlist) for foreign visitor applications to Zhuilu Old Road. All applicants regardless of nationality are welcome to apply through the standard application window (1 – 30 days before date of intended entry) if the quota for foreign visitors has already been reached.

  • Permits: Can I apply for more than one trail at the same time?

    Applicants are allowed to make as many applications as they wish, as long as dates do not overlap. For example, the following is allowed:
    • Two separate applications for Zhuilu Old Trail for 01 January and 02 January
    • Two separate applications for Mt. Nanhu for 01-04 January and 04-07 January
    • One application for Mt. Nanhu for 01-04 January and one application for Zhuilu Old Trail for 05 January
    Important: Please remember to cancel the applications that you do not end up using as soon as possible, so that the freed places may be offered to others on the waiting list.

  • Permits: Can I change the members of my team or the date of entry after my Park Access Permit application has already been approved?

    After a Park Access Permit application has already been approved; the date and personnel cannot be changed or added. Small changes (e.g. mistakes in spelling, birthdates, numbers) can be made by contacting the Park Entry Permit Applications Office. The application can be cancelled (for the whole team or for individuals); those who wish to be added to the team must make a separate application. Online Application for the Park Entry Permits

  • Permits: How can I cancel an already-approved Park Access Permit?

    If you cannot make the trip after your Park Access Permit application has been approved, please cancel your application using the online application system before the system closes for the specified dates of your application. This is to give the opportunity to those on the waitlist to take your team’s place. Alternatively, you can also cancel your application by phoning the Park Entry Permit Applications Office during office hours, the details of which can be found on the footer of the online application system website:
    Applications can be canceled for the whole group or individuals (excluding the team leader). If applications are not canceled according to the regulations, the team leader and the applicant (if they are not the same person) will be unable to make another application for a period of 6 months.

  • Permits: Why was my Park Access Permit application rejected?

    Park Access Permit applications may be rejected if the itinerary does not correspond with the route category, if the itinerary is deemed unfeasible or surpassing the team's abilities, or if those on the waitlist are unable to fill in opened spaces within the quota. Rejected applications will be accompanied by a detailed explanation.
    Applicants may be notified either by email or by phone if their details are incomplete (e.g. if the applicant's phone number is the same phone number as their emergency contact). In this case, please modify your application in accordance with the specific requests, and re-send the application back for processing.

  • Permits: Are permits needed for Qilai South Peak and Mt. Nanhua?

    Mt. Nanhua lie within the premises (within the Ecological Protection Areas) of Taroko National Park and so a Park Access Permit, in addition to a Mountain Access Permit, are both required. Mt. Qilai South Peak required a Park Access Permit.
    Please note that lodging for this route (Tianchi Cabin) is normally done by a lottery process run by the Nantou Branch, Forestry and Nature Conservation Agency:

  • Permits: Which trails require which permits? Does my itinerary require a permit?

    No permits required: Chongde Trail, Huide Trail, Taroko Terrace Trail, Dekalun Trail, Dali-Datong Trail, Xiaozhuilu Trail, Shakadang Trail, Eternal Spring (Changchun) Shrine, Buluowan Lower Terrace- Meander Core Trail, Idas Trail, Swallow Grotto (Yanzikou), Tunnel of Nine Turns (Jiuqudong), Lushui Trail, Lushui-Wenshan Trail, Baiyang Trail, Huoran Pavilion Trail, Mt. Hehuan Main Peak, Mt. Hehuan East Peak, Mt. Hehuanjian, Mt. Pingfeng, Mt. Shimen, Mt. Shimen North Peak, Hehuan North Peak, and Hehuan West Peak (required two-day), Xiaoqilai, Nenggao Historic Trail (not including Mt. Qilai South Peak).

    Park Access Permit required: Zhuilu Old Road, Mt. Qingshui, Mt. Yangtou, and Mt. Qilai South Peak, North Section 2 (Ganshu Peak, Mt. Wuming, Mt. Lingming, Mt. Shuan), Mt. Bilu, Mt. Qilai and associated peaks, Qilai East Ridge, Qilai South Peak, Mt. Nanhu – Mt. Zhongyangjian (North Section 1).

    Both Mountain Access and Park Access Permits required: North Section 1. Mt. Nanhu and associated peaks, 2. North Section 1- North Section 2 Traverse (via Mt. Wuyan) 3. Other (non-traditional) routes (Entry Eco-Protection Areas and Yilan County premises)