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Buluowan Suspension Bridge will stop reservation requirements starting September 1, 2022. Queuing is available on site.

  • Updated:2022-08-01
  • HitCount:191

To increase the number of tourists visiting the suspension bridge and provide more flexibility for travel arrangements, no reservation is required before visiting Taroko National Park's Buluowan Suspension Bridge (Shanyue Suspension Bridge). Queuing will be allowed on site starting September 1, 2022.


Since the opening of the Buluowan Suspension Bridge on August 12, 2020, it has become a popular hot spot in Taroko National Park. There were many tourists in the early stages after opening. Reservations were limited to reduce the influx of visitors and to maintain the facilities' quality and traffic congestion issues for tourists' convenience. Available entry numbers have been increasingly difficult to obtain. The quota of reservations for the Buluowan Suspension Bridge has gradually increased. On-site queuing has been opened, which has dramatically increased the number of people who can visit the suspension bridge every day, and there has been no adverse impact on the on-site traffic conditions. On September 1, 2022, visiting Buluowan Suspension Bridge will no longer require a reservation. It is hoped that this will increase the convenience and flexibility for visitors while planning their itinerary at Taroko National Park. Access will be determined by on-site demand and adhere to the suspension bridge capacity controls. Access to Buluowan Suspension Bridge is expected to have two daily sessions: morning session: 8:30 am to 11:50 am (last admission time is 11:30 am), afternoon session: 1:00 pm to 4:30 pm (Last entry at 4:10 pm). It is hoped that all visitors hoping to add this extraordinary destination to their itinerary will have the opportunity to visit this breathtaking hotspot.


The Buluowan Suspension Bridge is located at the exit of the narrowest gorge in Yanzikou (Swallow Grotto), which is prone to strong gusts. Taroko National Park HQ urges tourists to follow the guidance and instructions of the on-site staff when visiting the suspension bridge. Wish you have an enjoyable and enriching journey.


Photo: Buluowan Suspension Bridge (Photo from Taroko N. P.)