Taroko National Park will offer a free shuttle service during the Chinese New Year holidays. This service was prepared by Taroko National Park Headquarters, National Park Service, Ministry of the Interior (hereinafter referred to as the Taroko N. P. HQ), with the cooperation of Hualien Motor Vehicles Office, Directorate General of Highways, Hualien County Government, Xiulin Township Office, Xincheng Township Office, and Xiulin Township Representative's office, Xincheng Township Representative's office, Hualien County Police Bureau Traffic Team, Police Xincheng Precinct, and the Sub-Taroko Branch, Ninth Division, the Seventh Special Police Corps, National Police Agency, National Dong Hwa University and tour bus operators. From February 11th to 13th, 2024 (Chinese New Year Days 2 to 4), a free shuttle service will be provided daily from 8:00 am to 2:30 pm between the Taroko Visitor Center and Tianxiang along the Central Cross-Island Highway. Simultaneously, traffic control measures will be implemented on the Central Cross-Island Highway. Everyone is welcome to take advantage of the free shuttle service and explore the various attractions in Taroko.
Diverse routes, quality itinerary combinations
Taroko N. P. HQ’s free shuttle buses will depart from the Taroko Visitor Center and the parking lot of the Buluowan Recreation Area. There are 1. Blueline (the Full Route from Taroko Visitor Center to Tianxiang, non-stop at Buluowan); 2. Redline (Taroko Visitor Center - Buluowan Partial Line); 3. Greenline (Buluowan - Tianxiang Partial Line) and three routes in the park. The shuttle bus will stop at Shakadang, Buluowan Shanyue Suspension Bridge, Yanzikou (Swallow Grotto), Jiuqudong (Tunnel of Nine Turns), Lushui, Tianxiang, and Changchun (Eternal Spring) Shrine. The free shuttle bus will provide convenient services for the public to tour various scenic spots and reduce the amount of vehicular congestion. The public can plan how long they will stay in the Taroko National Park. They can freely match different routes, allowing easy transportation to enjoy the scenery and save trouble finding parking spaces or traffic jams.
Buses offer well-matched services and alleviate the headache of finding parking spaces.
Due to limited parking space at various service points of the Taroko N.P. HQ, special arrangements have been made to coordinate with the local bus operators within the park. Visitors can take the Taiwan Railways or the North Hualien Line bus to Xincheng Station. From there, either transfer to Hualien Bus, Taroko Bus Route 302, or Taiwan Tourist Shuttle - Taroko Line 310 UBus to reach the Taroko National Park Headquarters Visitor Center and transfer to the free shuttle service. Alternatively, visitors can also take the mentioned bus services directly to reach their desired scenic spots for sightseeing after parking their vehicles around Xincheng Station.
Traffic controls are indispensable for the flow of traffic
The Central Cross-Island Highway is winding and twisting. The section between Taroko Arch Gate and Tianxiang is located in a narrow section that is traversable by single flow traffic. Chinese New Year is the peak season for the public to travel. Traffic control measures will be implemented on the Central Cross-Island Highway to reduce the influx and congestion of vehicles. From February 11 to 13, 2024 (2nd to 4th day of Chinese New Year), Provincial Highway 8 will have two control points at 185.4 km (Fushi village section) and 167.1 km (Tianxiang section). The traffic control time is from 8 am to 3 pm. (Tianxiang control point from 8 am to 3:30 pm). In principle, motorized control will be used to release traffic flow. (Tianxiang control point is released for 10 minutes every 2 hours on the odd hour, e.g. 09:00-09:10, 11:00-11:10, 13:00-13:10, 15:00-15:10.) The inside lane provides access for residents in the park (including residents of Fushi Village west of the control point), staff in the control area, road maintenance units and emergency repair vehicles. At the Fushi Village Liwu Hotel control point, cars can park in the outer lane and wait for release. Vehicle passage control hours will be adjusted automatically according to the snow season control situation in the Hehuan Mountain area, the conditions of the Central Cross-Island Highway, and the parking lot availability of the recreational areas. Detailed control measures will be implemented according to the meeting of Hualien County Government's Road Traffic Safety Contact Committee, after which the resolution will be announced.
The pass permit replacement system will be canceled this year, and the number of buses on the Central Cross-Island Highway will be reduced.
During this year’s implementation period, considering the simultaneous operation of the previous year's permit exchange and release system, it was observed that the number of large buses within the park increased, leading to worsened traffic congestion. Following discussions and exchanges of opinions with various bus operators, highway authorities, and police substations, it was decided to cancel the permit exchange system for this year. All buses (20-40 sitters), except for public paid buses that can pass through, will queue up in order to wait for release by flexible traffic control method to control the number of 20-40 sitter buses in the park. The Taroko N. P. HQ urged visitors to take public transportation as much as possible to avoid spoiling their visit due to traffic congestion or waiting for parking spaces. People are urged to avoid driving into the park's recreational areas and reserve the road for people traveling east to west.
Taroko Visitor Center and all Service Stations will be provided services during the Chinese New Year.
In coordination with the operation of a free shuttle bus service, Taroko National Park Headquarters visitor center will provide visitor services. The visitor center and service stations will open February 11-13, 2024 (2nd to 4th day of Chinese New Year), except closed on February 9 (Chinese New Year’s Eve). During this period, Taroko National Park Visitor Center will open at 08:00 am and close at 05:00 pm; Buluowan Service Station will open at 08:00am and close at 04:30 pm; Tianxiang Service Station and Mt. Hehuan Service Station will open at 08:00 and close at 04:30 pm. Buluowan Suspension Bridge will open at 08:30am and close at 04:30 pm. (The last admission time is at 4:00 pm.) On February 10 and February 14 (the first and the 5th day of Chinese New Year), operation hours will be in accordance with normal operating times. Welcome everyone to visit and spend time for the Chinese New Year holiday in Taroko National Park.
2024 Taroko National Park’s visitor center and service stations during Chinese New Year opening hours (day closed)
site/opening hours
February 9 (Chinese New Year’s Eve)
February 11-13 (2nd – 4th Day of Chinese New Year)
February 10 and 14 (1st – 5th Day of Chinese New Year)
Opening time
Closing time
Opening time
Closing time
Taroko Visitor Center
Buluowan Service Station
Buluowan Suspension Bridge
Open time 8:30-16:30 Last admission time at 16:00
Tianxiang Service Station
Mt. Hehuan Service Station
News issued by Taroko National Park Headquarters