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Mt. Hehuan North Peak

  • Last Updated:2024-05-14
  • Browsing people:4869
  • Taiwan Lily
  • Blooming Rhododendron rubropilosum Hayata
  • Arrow Bamboo Grassland
  • Acacia Mt. Hehuan North Peak
  • Beautiful view of the sea of flowers on the Mt. Hehuan North Peak
  • Pinus taiwanensis
  • Tianluanchi scenery
  • Juniperus morrisonicola Hayata
  • Alpine Rhododendron of Mt. Hehuan North Peak
  • Mt. Hehuan North Peak overlooks the small wind vent
  • When the Rhododendron rubropilosum blossoms
ManagementMt. Hehuan Service Station
Trail LevelGrade 3
The length of the trail2000Meter
Needed time 3.5 - 4 hours (out-and-back)
Remark1. Mt. Hehuan North Peak is en route to Mt. Hehuan West Peak. However, please note that the hike from Xiaofengkou to Mt. Hehuan West Peak and back takes roughly two days. Please exercise caution.
2. Hikers do NOT need a Mountain Access Permit for the trail (within Ren'ai Township, Nantou County): this policy is as of February 2020.
3.Be sure to ware warmly clothes.
Phone Number04-25991195

Note: The Mt. Hehuan West Peak Trail extends beyond the Mt. Hehuan North Peak Trail at Mt. Hehuan North Peak. 

Trail Introduction
The trail entrance of Mt. Hehuan North Peak and Mt. Hehuan West Peak is located at the 37 km marker on Provincial Highway 14A. Hikers can park at Xiaofengkou and walk from there to the trail entrance, which is easy recognizable from the information plaque.

From the trailhead, the trail immediately follows up the ridgeline. This section of trail is steep and should take roughly 1 hour to finish the ascent. Rhododendrons flourish within this section, and bloom between May to June every year. Trees are mostly absent, so adequate sun protection is needed in sunny weather. On the other hand, the Hehuan mountain range is particularly prone to thick fog in the afternoon. Because hikers often lose the trail near the summit of the mountain during such inclement weather, the best times to hike this trail is before noon or when the weather is good and stable.

At 3,422 m a.s.l., Mt. Hehuan North Peak is located on the western periphery of Taroko National Park and is the highest peak in the Mt. Hehuan series. Mt. Hehuan North Peak is flanked on the east side by the Jinma Tunnel, which connects the Central Cross-Island Highway (Provincial Highway 8) to Provincial Highway 14A at Dayuling; Highway 14A runs along the south base of the peak towards Xiaofengkou. These two highways clearly delineate the mountain peak. A huge reflector can be easily seen on the ridgeline close to the Peak, clearly marking Mt. Hehuan North Peak. Mt. Hehuan North Peak's verdant landscape blends forests and fields together, the latter which blossoms into a sea of colorful flowers during the spring and summer.

Trail Guide
The trail starts at Xiaofengkou ( small wind vent), a wide landmark along the highways within the Mt. Hehuan area. Xiaofengkou is flanked by the Liwu river basin to the east and the Hehuan river above the Dajia river to the west. The origin of the landmark’s name comes from its geology: here, strong gusts of wind blow westwards through a naturally-formed wind tunnel.


The horizon greatly expands upon passing the telecommunications reflector  that lies near the summit. Occasionally, hikers can enjoy the billowing clouds that roll across the undulating landscape. The mountain peak commands a near-360 degree panorama that include the other surrounding Mt. Hehuan peaks, as well as Mt. Nanhu to the north and Mt. Qilai to the south. The hike to the reflector is roughly 1.5 hours from the trailhead, and about a half hour from the reflector to the North peak of Mt. Hehuan. A round trip from the trailhead to Mt. Hehuan North Peak and back (out-and-back) will take roughly 3.5 hours.

Outside the winter season, short bamboo cover the mountainscape, the resulting scenery similar to that of the Alps. There are a number of species dear to the Mt. Hehuan landscape:


The Taiwan red pine (Pinus taiwanensis), a species endemic to Taiwan that thrives at middle to high altitudes in sunny and dry climates. The species exhibits a prime example of expedited secondary succession: only a few years following a major forest fire in the Mt. Hehuan area in 1991, the next generation of Taiwan red pines were already well on its way to fully maturing amidst the charred pine tree trunks that were simultaneously still standing from the original fire. 

The red-hairy rhododendron, (Rhododendron rubropilosum), which flourish in the Central Mountain Range, are particularly beautiful when in full bloom. Its flowers are small but dense, almost entirely covering the underlying green leaves. As such, brilliant pink bushels dot the sea of green, creating a spectacular landscape for the few months that the flowers are in bloom.

During the early summer in June and July, Taiwanese lilies (Lilium formosanum) are often found blooming on the roadside or within bushes of Yushan cane. They can be found scattered across the landscape or in dense congregation. Their large white flowers are particularly noticeable, especially by their sweet scent that permeates the surrounding air. 



Service Facitilies
Traffic Information
BusThere is no direct public bus can reach to Xiaofengkou.
1. From East Taiwan: From Hualien Train Station or Taroko National Park Headquarters take Hualien Bus #1141 (only serviced once daily) to Lishan alight at Dayuling station. Please confirm the bus timetable ahead in case of any changes. Hualien Bus Phone Number: 03-8338147.
From Dayuling (at 41.5 km highway marker) to the trailhead at 36.9 km on Provincial Highway 14A (14Jia) walking times requires about an hour and 30 minutes/4.6 km. Hitchhike is not uncommon.
2. From Taichung (Eastbound): A series of 3 buses connects Taichung via Songxue Lodge to Xiaofengkou. Leg 1: Taichung bus station – Puli (Nantou Buses #6670 via Taichung HSR Station (Taichung – Puli), 70 mins); Leg 2: Puli – Qingjing Farm (Nantou Bus #6658, 70 mins); Leg 3: Qingjing Farm – Xiaofengkou (Nantou Bus #6658A, 1 hr). Nantou Bus Company recommends visitors to take Bus #6670 leaving Taichung Gancheng Bus Station at 08:20 and 11:15 (Taichung HSR Station at 08:40 and 11:35 respectively) to be able to reach Songxue Lodge at 11:50 and 15:30 respectively and to the final stop at Xiaofengkou at 12:00 and 15:40 respectively. Sample itineraries are available from #iBus Info System, and please check Route Search/ Search by Bus Operator Nantou Bus #6670, #6658, and 6658A. Or #Nantou Bus Company website (Chinese version only). Please confirm the above schedules directly with Nantou Bus Company in case of any recent changes. Nantou Bus 6658A reservation telephone: +886-49-2984031 ext. #17. No bikes are allowed to the 20-sitter bus.
3. There is no lodging available at Xiaofengkou. (Mt. Hehuan Service Station) The nearest lodging is at Songxue Lodge (3150 m). Please book Songxue Lodge in advance. #Room Booking, #Suggestion Box, TEL:+886-49-2802980.

DrivingDriving by private cars:
The trailhead is located at the 36.9 km marker on Provincial Highway 14A (14jia).
From East Taiwan: To get to Mt. Hehuan North Peak (300 m east of Xiaofenkou, Mt. Hehuan Service Station 3002 m), drive westbound on Provincial Highway 9 from Hualien to Xincheng and connect Provincial Highway 8 to Taroko, Dayuling then take the left fork at Dayuling on Provincial Highway 14A (14Jia). The drive will take roughly 3 hours.
ParkingParking is available at Xiaofengkou (Mt. Hehuan Service Station). If the upper parking lot is full, the lower parking lot will be made available. Xiaofengkou parking lot is about 300 meter west trailhead of Mt. Hehuan North and West Peak.