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  • Last Updated:2024-03-24
  • Browsing people:3553
  • Heliu Campground Raised Wooden Platform(.jpg)
  • Gorge at Lushui Trail(.jpg)
  • Parking Lot at Heliu Campground (.jpg)
  • Yue Wang Suspension Bridge(.jpg)
ManagementTianxiang Service Station
Recreation ZoneTianxiang Recreation Area
Remark1. To protect the recreational quality of Heliu Campgound, Taroko National Park Headquarters has implemented the user-pays principle to reduce the governmental expenses on environment maintenance and manpower. An external company has been commissioned to run Heliu Campground.
2. Tianxiang Service Station phone number: 03-8691162.
3. If there is not more vacancy at Heliu Campground, please visit Lüshui Campground that is equipped with simpler facilities and free of charge.
Phone Number03-8691466

Heliu Campground 

Heliu campgroud, located at 170 km (15 km/25 minutes by car/30 minutes by bus from Taroko National Park Headquarters) on Provincial Highway 8, is located at the east Lüshui Trailhead, 3km away from Tianxiang. At Heliu, the Liwu and Laoxi River turn 90 degrees and Laoxi River flows into Liwu River. Therefore, Heliu (meaning "confluence" in Chinese) gained its name due to the confluence of the two rivers right here and won its status as one of Hualien’s eight most scenic wonders. 

In the neighboring area, the valley is tranquil with boundless clouds and trees, while the stones are in bizarre shapes and the trees are beautiful. Heliu Campground, is comprised of 12 wooden tent platforms (3.7*4.2 square meters), restrooms (including cold showers), and washstands, and is equipped with running water and lighting. The use of campsite is free of charge. It is first-come, first-served. 

The site used to be a timber distribution area. In the past, Forestry Development Office of Veterans Affairs Council (today's Forestry Bureau) harvested the forest on Yanhai Logging Road along the Liwu River, and transported the logs via a cableway. Then the lumber were delivered to other places via the Central Cross-Island Highway. After the logging was ceased, Taroko National Park transformed this area into a campground.

A second campground (Lushui campground), is 800 meters west of Heliu. The floor of Lushui campground is earth and grass, and the camp site offers lighting and waterstands. This campground is not equipped with tent platforms nor showers. Campers are free to use toilets of Lushui Highway History Exhibition Hall (next to the shop at the basement 1). No booking is required and use of campground is free of charge. 

Lüshui Trail
Lüshui Trail used to be a part of the Old Cross-Hehuan Mountain Road. Because this part of the old trail is in good condition and possesses rich a landscape and ecosystem, National Park Headquarters designed a trail out of it. The trail is approximately 2m in width, which is about the same as Cross-Hehuan Mountain Old Road's width during the Japanese colonial period. The entire route is level and easy to traverse, making it a scenic trail suitable for the whole family.

The trailhead is located next to Lüshui Geological Exhibition Hall. The trail features dense forests, cliffs, lithophytes (plants growing on rocks), and historic relics.

Service Facitilies
Public Restroom. Parking Lot.
Traffic Information
BikeAs many big vehicles pass through the neighboring roads, please pay extra attention to the traffic safety.
Bus1. From Hualien, take a TaiwanTrip Ubus 310, Ubus 1133 bound for Tianxiang, a Hualien bus (Lishan-1141), and alight at Heliu campground.
2. From Xincheng station, take buses Taroko Bus 302, or TaiwanTrip Ubus 310 or 1133 bound for Tianxiang and alight at Heliu campground.
3. From Xincheng or Taroko National Park Headquarters Station, take buses TaiwanTrip Ubus 310, or Ubus 1133, or Taroko Bus 302 bound for Tianxiang and alight at Heliu campground.
4. From Tianxiang, take buses (TaiwanTrip Ubus 310), or Ubus 1133, or Hualien bus 1141, or Taroko Bus 302 bound for Hualien or Xincheng TRA Station and alight at Heliu campground.
5. Please consult News > FAQ on our website. #FAQ News/FAQ “ Transportation: Where can I purchase day passes for buses to Taroko National Park?.”
6. Bus schedules are available from #iBus Info System, and please check Route Search/ Search by Bus Operator Ubus #310, 1133, or Hualien Bus 1141, or Taroko Bus 302.
DrivingDriving takes about 25 minutes from Taroko National Park HQ.
Heliu Campground is situated at the east entrance of Lüshui Trail, and about 16.5 km away from Taroko National Park HQ, about 2.5km away from Tianxiang.
Parking7-8 cars parking space, car park is available