  • 氣溫:22 ℃
  • 降雨:20%
禁止生火、禁止露營 No fires or camping
注意落石 Pay attention for rock falls
小心大型野生動物出沒 Beware of wild animals
小心毒蛇毒蜂 Beware of poisonous bees and snakes
小心懸崖 Be careful by cliffs
請遵守公告禁止事項 Please follow the regulations of prohibited activities in Taroko National Park.
請遵守公告禁止事項 Please abide by the regulations of prohibited activities in Taroko National Park.
本公廁因地形陡峭無法興築身心障礙坡道請往前至太魯閣遊客中心使用公廁,不便之處敬請見諒。 Due to the steep terrain, a wheelchair ramp could not be built for this toilet. If you require a wheelchair ramp, please use the toilet at the Taroko Visitor Center. We are very sorry for the inconvenience.
禁止狩獵、捕捉魚類 No hunting or fishing.
禁止採折花木、檢拾石頭。No picking flowers or plants, or collecting stones.
禁止任意抛棄果皮、紙屑或其他污物。 No littering the park grounds with fruit peels, waste paper, or other trash.
違反以上規定者,處以新台幣一千五百元至一萬伍千元罰鍰。Violators will be fined no less than NT$1500~NT$15,000.