  • 氣溫:25 ℃
  • 降雨:20%
施工中,避免危險,請勿進入工地。Area Under Construction! To avoid danger, do Not enter.
親愛的遊客您好:為維護旅遊品質,展示館內禁止飲食、大聲喧嘩、躺臥、嬉戲等行為。敬請配合,謝謝。Notice for tourists: No eating, drinking, talking loudly, lying down, and horse-playing in the exhibition hall. Thank you for your cooperation.
申請進入太魯閣國家公園生態保護區許可注意事項Important Notices for Applications to Enter the Ecological Protection Areas of Taroko National Park
食物、垃圾請收好 Store your food and trash properly.
停車場已滿1. Parking Lot is Full 2. Parking Lot Full (1或2皆可)
九曲洞無停車場,請搭公車前往。 There is no parking available at Tunnel of Nine Turns (Jiuqudong). Please take a bus.
布洛灣吊橋Buluowan Suspension Bridge
和仁溪Heren River
颱風來襲 步道封閉 Trail closed due to typhoon.
注意落石 請勿逗留Watch out for rockfall. Do not loiter.
注意階梯 小心行走 Stairway ahead. Mind your step.
請勿離開步道以確保安全Please stay on the trail. Proceed carefully.