  • 氣溫:27 ℃
  • 降雨:20%
本步道全面禁煙,違者最高罰鍰新臺幣1萬元。Smoking is not permitted on the trail. Maximum fine: NT$10,000
隧道內左側可停車Parking is available on the left side of the tunnel.
飛燕迎賓Swallows Flying Swiftly Welcoming Visitors
海拔高度(m) Peak & Altitude (m)
圖例 Legend
台灣百岳Baiyue (Taiwan’s 100 Peaks)
水源地Water Source
停機坪 (直升機)Helicopter Pad
除公務車外,禁止任何車輛進入。違者將依法告發No vehicles are permitted to enter except official reasons. Violators are subject to be fined. (Violators are subject to prosecution.)
合歡山主峰為登山步道The Mt. Hehuan Main Peak is a mountaineering trail.
原野臨崖地區,請注意孩童安全。This trail runs along the cliff. Be sure to pay attention to the safety of your children.