  • 氣溫:25 ℃
  • 降雨:20%
本步道全面禁菸 No smoking on this trail.
守護摯愛Caring for a Beloved One
高山流水若鼓琴 High Mountains and Flowing Rivers Resemble Echoing Drums
峽谷柔情 Tender Feelings in the Gorge
意象太魯閣 Imagery of Taroko
百燕鳴谷Hundreds of Swallows Singing
太魯閣百燕嗚谷Hundreds of Swallows Singing in Taroko Gorge
九曲蟠龍 Nine Turns of a Coiled Dragon (或用"The Nine Turns of the Coiled Dragon")
布洛灣山月村渡假小屋委託民間經營管理續約案Renewal of Contracting Project- Entrusted Private Management (Outsourced) of Taroko Village Hotel at Buluowan
太魯閣國家公園管理處對民間團體或個人補(捐)助作業規範Taroko National Park Headquarters Subsidy Regulations for Organizations and Individuals
垃圾不落地,請將您的垃圾隨身帶走。No littering. Please take your garbage with you.
禁止車輛進入,請將機車/自行車停放於指定位置。No bicycles or motorcycles. Please park at designated areas.