  • 氣溫:24 ℃
  • 降雨:40%
公路邊坡施工Highway Slope Stabilization Work
斷崖段崩塌步道封閉 Trail closed due to collapse on the cliff section.
豪雨、地震後一周內請勿進入 Please do not enter for a week after heavy rain and earthquakes.
塌方落石 Landslide
地基淘空 Foundation hollowed out
步道路基毀損 trail foundation damage
公路路基毀損 Road bed damage
820林道 0.3k處 步道坍方 請注意落石820 Logging Road (820 Forest Road) - Trail collapsed at 0.3 km. Please beware of rockfalls.
此區為公共空間,請共同維護環境清潔!如需餐飲服務,請內洽服務人員。Please help maintain the cleanliness of this public area. For meal services, please ask the staff members.
敬告:本區為易落石區,為維護自身安全,請勿逗留,如需休憩請至白楊吊橋觀景平台。Notice: This area is prone to rock falls. For your safety, please do not linger. A rest area is at Baiyang Suspension Bridge Observations Platform.
請小心懸崖,注意毒蜂、毒蛇。Be careful by cliffs. Beware of poisonous bees and snakes.
五間屋(1.5km處)之後屬自然原野步道This trail past 1.5 km point (5D cabin) is a natural wilderness area.