  • 氣溫:26 ℃
  • 降雨:40%
貴重物品,請小心保管Bring all your valuables with you. Please do not keep in the car.
禁止打獵No Hunting
禁止任何車輛進入沙灘。Cars are not allowed to entry beach area.
禁止狩獵No hunting,
禁止狩獵、捕捉魚類、採集花木、檢拾石頭、漂流木。No hunting, fishing, plunking plants. No picking or collecting rocks and wood at the beach.
禁止捕捉魚類No fishing.
禁止採集花木No plunking plants
禁止設攤 No stalls.
禁止設攤、禁止野炊No stalls. No cooking and open fires.
禁止野炊 No cooking and no open fires.
禁止進入No entry.
禁止檢拾石頭。No picking or collecting rocks.