  • 氣溫:23 ℃
  • 降雨:60%


  • 發布日期:99-03-25
  • 瀏覽數:1685
太魯閣國家公園成立已逾18年,歷年來已辦理超過150項之研究計畫。其中,鳥類的相關研究比較少,並且多限於一般性的資源調查及名錄建立。近年來,地理 資訊系統(Geographical Information Systems, GIS)的發展已趨成熟,並已成為自然資源管理及生態研究不可或缺的重要工具。太魯閣國家公園的鳥類資源尚未全面以GIS進行研究、分析及管理。雖然可以 直接依據過去的調查資料,利用GIS來建立鳥類空間分布資料庫,然而由於過去的調查位置敘述大多不明確,因此難以建置精確之空間分布資料庫,使GIS在自 然資源管理及生態研究方面之效果大打折扣。另一方面,過去的研究也存在有海拔涵蓋面不完整的缺點,若僅用過去的資料來建置鳥類資源的空間分布資料庫,也不夠完善。為瞭解太魯閣國家公園內整體的鳥類空間分布情形,並以GIS有效的進行空間分布資料庫之建檔及管理,並進一步研究區內的鳥類群聚生態,乃進行本研究計畫。   鳥類調查以定點計數法進行,沿中橫公路設置74個鳥類調查樣點,由海拔60 至3370 m;並於各道路系統進行隨機的鳥類分布之定性調查,以增加鳥類空間分布之涵蓋面。分析鳥類種類多樣性的海拔分布,並以階層群集分析及排序方法探討鳥類群聚與環境的關係。 本研究共記錄到24科96種鳥類,包括13種特有種、49種特有亞種,以及36種保育類鳥類。鳥類種類多樣性沿海拔呈駝型分布,並以大約海拔2000 m的地區最高。階層群集分析及降趨對應分析結果顯示,海拔與鳥類群聚結構的變異最為相關。不論特有種鳥類多樣性、保育類鳥類種數,均以新白楊至大禹嶺一帶的中海拔地區最高。慈恩至碧綠神木一帶的中海拔地區是進行賞鳥活動、鳥類生態教育、生態旅遊最適宜的地方。


Kye words: avian assemblage, elevation, GIS, Taroko National Park

  Taroko National Park has been established for more than 18 years. The park with its complicated topography and diverse vegetation support abundant bird life; however, there are few projects with focus on spatial distribution and ecology of birds in the past. Geographical Information Systems (GIS) is a powerful and efficient tool for research of field ecology and management of nature resources. The purpose of this project is to conduct a study of bird community ecology along elevational gradients in the park and establish the spatial distribution of birds as a GIS database for management and further researches. We conduct bird survey using: (1) point-count method on 74 sampling points at elevations ranging 60 m to 3370 m to estimate population density, (2) random survey method on trails and roads to acquire a full species list in the study area. We analyzed the bird community structure using a hierarchical clustering and detrended correspondence analysis (DCA). A total of 96 bird species, including 13 endemic species, 49 endemic subspecies, and 36 protected species occurred in the study areas. Results suggest that bird species richness is non-linearly related to elevation, with a hump-shaped curve peaking at around 2000 m. Elevation is the major factor corresponding to the bird community variation.