  • 氣溫:21 ℃
  • 降雨:30%


  • 發布日期:99-03-25
  • 瀏覽數:1456
國家公園在有限的經費、知識與時間的限制下,保育經常要以最有效率的方式以維持生態多樣性。有鑑於此,本研究嘗試參考國外經驗,利用焦點物種法(Focal Species Approach)來挑選出太魯閣國家公園內生態地位、功能重要或易受害的焦點物種。本研究使用德懷術研究法(Delphi Survey),以連續的結構化問卷,進行反覆多次的調查,以期相關領域的學者專家,提供多元觀點達具體有共識之論點。
  經過二回的問卷調查,根據專家學者之專業領域意見,最後訂定達成各專家學者共識之太魯閣國家公園焦點物種,哺乳類焦點物種分別為台灣黑熊(Ursus thibetanus formosanus)、穿山甲(Manis pentadactyla pentadactyll)、水鹿(Cervus unicolor swinhoei)、台灣高山小黃鼠狼(Mustela formosanus)、台灣大蹄鼻蝠(Rhinolophus
formosae)、台灣小蹄鼻蝠(Rhinolophus monocero);鳥類焦點物種分別是黃魚鴞(Ketupa flavipes)、熊鷹(Spizaetus nipalensis)、林鵰(Ictinaetus malayensis)、鴛鴦(Aix galericulata)、藍
腹鷴(Lophura swinhoii)、台灣藍鵲(Urocissa caerulea)、黑長尾雉(Symaticus Mikado)、領角鴞
(Otus bakkamoena)、黃嘴角鴞(Otus spilocephalus);爬蟲類焦點物種分別是百步蛇(Deinagkistrodon acutus)、雪山草蜥(Takydromous hsueshanesis)、菊池氏龜殼花(Trimeresurus gracilis)、蛇蜥(Ophisaurus formosensis)、台灣蜓蜥(Sphenomorphus taiwanensis);兩棲類焦點物種分別為台灣山椒魚(Hynobius formosanus)、艾氏樹蛙(Chirixalus eiffingeri)、莫氏樹蛙(Rhacophorus moltrechti)、褐樹蛙(Rhacophorus robustus)、中國樹蟾(Hyla chinensis)、斯文豪氏赤蛙(Rana swinhoana);魚類焦點物種分別為鱸鰻(Anguilla marmorata)、白鰻(Anguilla japonicus)、台灣鏟頷魚(Varicorhinus barbatulus)、日本禿頭鯊(Sicyopterus



Under the limitation of funds, knowledge and time, the biodiversity of National Park should be maintained by the most effective way. This study followed the international experiences and used focal species approach to select focal species which are important or vulnerable in Taroko National Park. The author used the
continual structure surveys to get consensus from the experts.

After two times of Delphi surveys, the focal species of mammals are formosan black bear(Ursus thibetanus formosanus), formosan pangolin(Manis pentadactyla pentadactyll), formosan sambar(Cervus unicolor swinhoei), Taiwan least weasel(Mustela formosanus), formosan greater horseshoe bat(Rhinolophus formosae) and formosan lesser horseshoe bat(Rhinolophus monocero). The focal species of birds are Tawny fish owl(Ketupa flavipes), Hodgson’s hawk eagle(Spizaetus nipalensis), Indian black eagle(Ictinaetus malayensis), Mandarin duck(Aix galericulata), Swinhoe’s pheasant(Lophura swinhoii), formosan mlue magpie(Urocissa caerulea), Midado pheasant(Symaticus Mikado), collared scops owl(Otus
bakkamoena), spotted scops owl(Otus spilocephalus). The focal species of reptile are
hundred pace snake(Deinagkistrodon acutus), Hsuehshan grass lizard(Takydromous
hsueshanesis), Kikuchi’s turtle-designed snake(Trimeresurus gracilis), Hart’s glass
lizard(Ophisaurus formosensis) and Taiwan alpine skink(Sphenomorphus taiwanensis). The focal
species of amphibians are formosan salamander(Hynobius formosanus), Eiffinger's treefrog(Chirixalus eiffingeri), Moltrecht’s treefrog(Rhacophorus moltrechti), brown tree
frog(Rhacophorus robustus), common Chinese treetoad(Hyla chinensis) and Swinhoes
brown frog(Rana swinhoana). The focal species of fresh fishes are the swamp eel(Anguilla marmorata), Japanese eel(Anguilla japonicus), kooye(Varicorhinus barbatulus) and monk goby(Sicyopterus japonicus).

In the long-term monitor of Taroko National Park, these focal species selected from this study may be prior considered to maintain and conserve the biodiversity in the park. However, these focal species are only restricted in the current situation of Taroko National Park, not suitable in other areas.

Keywords: focal species, vertebrates, conservation, Taroko National Park