  • 氣溫:23 ℃
  • 降雨:20%


  • 發布日期:99-03-25
  • 瀏覽數:1424
  本研究計畫之目的為調查太魯閣國家公園陶塞溪流域的維管束植物組成與植被類型。本研究自2006年3月至9月止,沿著梅園-竹村步道線、蓮花池至朝暾山步道、南湖主山經西吉南山稜線至陶塞溪路線及迴頭彎至三池山路線進行植物相調查,並於朝暾山山區與三池山山區設置13個20公尺×20公尺的樣區,記錄樣區內胸高直徑1公分以上(DBH≥1 cm),的木本植物名稱,量測胸高直徑,並記錄出現在樣區內的地被層植物名稱,以及估測每一種植物的覆蓋度。測量樣區的位置、海拔高度、坡度、坡向,並描述樣區的微地形狀況(稜線、上坡、中坡、下坡、谷地)、土壤含石率、岩石地比例。
  調查結果共記錄600種 (含亞種及變種) 維管束植物,分別屬於129科295屬,其中蕨類植物有25科6屬127種、裸子植物有3科7屬9種、雙子葉植物有89科234屬396種、單子葉植物有12科48屬68種。這些種類中,新增加的名錄有99種,屬於台灣特有種的植物有110種,稀有植物有20種。使用雙向指標種分析法、降趨對應分析法與列表比較法將13個樣區切分成3個林型及2個亞型,分別為:A.南燭-赤柯林型;B.墨點櫻桃-薯豆林型:B1.大葉石櫟亞型、B2.青葉楠亞型;C.玉山紫金牛-青剛櫟林型。影響本研究地區的樹種組成與植物社會分布的主要環境因子為海拔高度,其他依次為微地形、坡向、水份指數及岩石地比例。根據本研究結果,提出建議,供國家公園經營管理及保育措施參考之用。


Keywords:Taroko National Park, Tausai River, Vascular Plant Compositions, Vegetation Types

  Floristic investigation was carried out in the Tausai river basin of Taroko National Park. Vascular plant compositions have been conducted along Meiyuan-Jutsuen Trail, Lianhuachr-Chaotunshan Trail, Nanhudashan-Siginanshan Trail, and Shanchishan Trail, from March to September, 2006. In Sanchishan Trail and Lianhuachr-Chaotunshan Trail, 13 qudrates were sampled. Each qudrate is composed of four 10 m × 10 m subquadrates. Seven environmental factors including plot location, altitude, slope, aspect, stoneness, rock proportion and microtopography were recorded. All woody plants with dbh ≥ 1cm present in the quadrates were identified, and their dbh were measured. In addition, ground layer species were also identified and estimated by their coverage.
  A total of 129 families consisting of 295 genera and 600 species (including subspecies and varieties) have been recorded. There are 20 rare species and 110 endamic specise in the data base including species found along the trail. The results obtained from the analysis are that the distribution of vegetation types is obvious and sensitive to the elevation, microtopography, aspect and rock proportion and the floristic classification distinguishes 3 primary forest types and 2 subtypes: A. Lyonia ovalifolia - Cyclobalanopsis morii forest type, B. Prunus phaeosticta - Elaeocarpus japonicus forest type(including B1. Pasania kawakamii subtype, B2. Machilus zuihoensis var. mushaensis subtype) and C. Ardisia cornudentata subsp. Morrisonensis - Cyclobalanopsis glauc forest type. Based on these baselines, some suggestions will be provided for the future conservation and management of the National Park