  • 氣溫:26 ℃
  • 降雨:30%


  • 發布日期:99-03-25
  • 瀏覽數:1115
自台灣百合健康植株根圈土壤分離及純化100個細菌菌株,完成鑑定之菌種有61株。將分離之細菌菌株施用於台灣百合幼苗根圈時,多數菌株對植株之生長略有促進作用,有十個菌株能減少台灣百合幼苗感染灰黴病的嚴重度;實地防治試驗顯示可以應用所篩選之具生物防治潛力菌株保護台灣百合,避免地上部組織受到灰黴病之嚴重危害。可推薦之菌株分別為仙人掌桿菌Bacillus cereus A3S21、B. cereus C1,大枯草桿菌Bacillus megaterium A3S34、B. megaterium A3S37,洋蔥假單胞菌Burkholderia cepacia A3S36、B. cepacia CF4-4-2,螢光假單胞桿菌Pseudomonas fluorescens A2S1及戀臭假單胞菌Pseudomonas putida CF-3、P. putida CF2-1、P. putida CF3-1。土壤分析結果顯示布洛灣遊憩區不同區塊之土壤性質均在正常範圍內,推測灰黴病之嚴重發生與地被植物造成高濕環境及病菌滋生有關。建議加強環境管理及採行生物防治,來減少布洛灣遊憩區台灣百合受灰黴病之為害。 英文摘要 One hundred bacterial isolates were obtained from the rhizosphere of healthy plants of Formosa lily and 61 isolates were identified. Most of identified bacterial isolates could slightly increase the growth vigor of Formosa lily seedlings. Among them, ten isolates could reduce the incidence of gray mold disease. The biocontrol assay in Pulowan recreation area indicated these isolates were potential biocontrol agents, including Bacillus cereus A3S21、B. cereus C1、Bacillus megaterium A3S34、B. megaterium A3S37、Burkholderia cepacia A3S36、B. cepacia CF4-4-2、Pseudomonas fluorescens A2S1、Pseudomonas putida CF-3、P. putida CF2-1 and P. putida CF3-1. In addition, the soil traits of Pulowan recreation area were characterized in the normal ranges. Thus, the high humidity caused by creeping weeds and pathogen propagation were presumed to be the main causes of the prevalence of gray mold disease in Pulowan. To reduce the severity of gray mold disease in Formosa lily, environmental management and biocontrol measure were suggested.