  • 氣溫:23 ℃
  • 降雨:30%


  • 發布日期:99-03-25
  • 瀏覽數:895
一百多年來,英國、日本、台灣、中國之植物地理學者,視台灣為具有特殊意義的植物地理區,其中,台灣蕨類植物區系的地理分佈成分複雜,凝聚熱帶分佈、溫帶分佈、亞洲分佈、東北亞分佈、喜馬拉雅分佈,以及台灣本島特有分佈等各種地理成分。   本研究運用植物區系研究方法,調查分析太魯閣國家公園蕨類植物區系29 科106 屬319 種的組成性質,研究發現太魯閣國家公園蕨類區系包含下列特點:(1)區系地理成分多樣、豐富;(2)蕨類類群眾多,從進化地位原始的類群,到進化地位較高的各科均有分佈;(3)台灣特有種甚多,佔總種數的13%,顯示種的特有化程度雖高,但卻無特有屬的現象。而分析太魯閣國家公園蕨類植物之垂直分佈,以暖溫性闊葉林(海拔500 至1800 公尺)所含物種數最多,佔全區蕨類總數的40%,是太魯閣國家公園蕨類植物最豐富、多樣的區域。   經相似性指數統計,分析太魯閣國家公園與中國大陸華中、華南、西南等八個地區的蕨類植物區系關係,並檢視不同地點的屬、種相似性關係。其分析結果顯示,在屬的相似性上,太魯閣國家公園與四川都江堰地區、橫斷山區關係最為密切,相似性系數分別為52.17、50.01。   此外,就種的相似性系數探討,太魯閣國家公園與四川都江堰地區、廣西九萬山自然保護區、貴州赤水桫欏國家級自然保護區最為相似,其相似性系數為31.34、28.67、27.61。而從屬的相似性系數與種的相似性系數兩個層面檢視,研究發現四川都江堰地區與太魯閣國家公園蕨類植物區系關係最為密切。 關鍵字:太魯閣國家公園、蕨類植物區系、中國大陸 Abstract For 100 years, the phytogeographists of England, Japan, Taiwan and Mainland China, they regard Taiwan as a phytogeographic region with particular significance. Among floristic and geographic elements in Taiwan are complicated with condense pantropic, temperate zone, Asia, Northeast Asia, Himalayas and endemic geographic distribution partterns. This study took floristic research method, to analysis the pteridophytic flora of Taroko National Park includes of 29 families, 106 genera, and 319 species of ferns. The characteristics are determined as follow: First, the geographic distribution of this flora with diversity and abundant; Second, the diversity of fern is abundant from basic to high level species; Third, with abundant Taiwan endemic species, are 13% of the total species, it announced the endemism of species, not of genera. Assaying the vertical distribution of the ferns of Taroko National Park, the maximum species found in warm-temperate broad-leaved forest, are 40% of the total species in this area,which is the richest and various of fern specied in Taroko National Park. Analaysis the relationship of the pteridophytic flora between Taroko National Park and Central-China, South-China and Southwest-China in mainland China through co-relation coefficient statistic method. Result shows the coefficient of similarity of species, Taroko National Park and Dujiangyan Region, Sichuan Province, Hengduan Mountains, Yunnan Province are the closest, the coefficient of similarity of genera is 52.17, 50.01. In addition, to cover the coefficient of similarity of species, Taroko National Park and Dujiangyan Region, Sichuan Province, Chiuwan Mountain Natural Reserve Area, Kwanghis Province, and Chishui Alsophila Natural Reserve, Kweichow Province are the most smililar, the coefficient of similarity of species is 31.34, 28.67, 50.01. The result of the coefficient analys of similarity of genera and species in Dujiangyan Region, Sichuan Province is allied more closely to Taroko National Park. Keywords: Taroko National Park,Pteridophytic Flora, Mainland China