  • 氣溫:24 ℃
  • 降雨:40%


  • 發布日期:99-03-25
  • 瀏覽數:959
關鍵詞:太魯閣國家公園、維管束植物組成、植被類型、苔蘚植物   本研究計劃之主要目的在調查太魯閣國家公園的維管束植物組成、植被類型與苔蘚植物組成。調查期間共設置了100個20公尺 × 20公尺或20公尺 × 40公尺或30公尺 × 30公尺的樣區,記錄樣區內胸高直徑1公分以上 (DBH≧1cm) 的樹木名稱,測量胸高直徑,並記錄出現在樣區內的地被層植物名稱,並估測每一種植物的覆蓋度。測量樣區的位置、海拔高度、坡度、坡向,並描述樣區的微地形狀況 (稜線、上坡、中坡、下坡、谷地)、土壤含石率、岩石地比例、各層次的高度及覆蓋度。包括前人研究之文獻與本次之調查結果,共記錄了1809種維管束植物,分別屬於170科及768屬。使用雙向指標種分析法與列表比較法將100個樣區切分成9個植被類型,分別為玉山箭竹矮灌叢(6)、玉山圓柏-玉山杜鵑灌叢(3)、台灣冷杉林(7)、台灣鐵杉林(3)、台灣冷杉-台灣鐵杉林(9)、台灣雲杉林(2)、檜木林(4)、台灣二葉松林(12)、針闊葉混合林(41)、常綠闊葉林(13)。苔蘚類的標本採集共有716份標本,採集編號為2004/4/12至2004/4/18 (採集編號:0001-0164)、2004/4/26至2004/5/3 (採集編號:0165-0287)、2004/5/11至2004/5/18 (採集編號:0288-0616)、2004/6/12至2004/6/18 (採集編號:0617-0710)。 ABSTRACT Keywords: Taroko National Park, mosses, vascular plants, vegetation types In order to completely understand the botanical resources of Taroko National Park, this study is to establish database of plant species including mosses as well as vascular plants within the Park. In addition, the investigation of vegetation types is also included. One hundred plots were sampled in the area together with seven environmental factors. All woody plants in each plot with DBH≧1cm were identified and measured, and herb plants were identified and evaluated their coverage,too. The vascular plant inventories recorded a total of 170 families, 768 genera and 1809 species. Classification of the vegetation types was conducted by the two-way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN) and table rearrangement method. One hundred plots are divided into 9 vegetation types based on characteristic species and dominance species. These vegetation types are (1) Yushania niitakayamensis thicket (2) Juniperus squamata-Rhododendron pseudochrysanthum thicket (3) Abies Kawakamii forest (4) Tsuga chinensis forest (5) Abies Kawakamii-Tsuga chinensis forest (6) Picea morrisonicola forest (7) Chamaecyparis formosana forest (8) Pinus taiwanensis forest and (9) Evergreen broad-leaved forest. The moss plant inventories recorded a total of 716 data, the corection number is 0001-0716. These baslines are provided for the future management of the Park.