  • 氣溫:23 ℃
  • 降雨:30%


  • 發布日期:99-03-25
  • 瀏覽數:760
本計畫探討太魯閣國家公園生態環境變遷與生物多樣性資訊整合等課題。藉由整理相關之保育研究報告、各種GIS圖層與歷年之遙測影像資料,建立園區之保育研究資料庫與GIS、遙測影像資料庫,以分析環境可能之變遷,再從保育研究資訊之整合,建立保育知識庫與線上查詢系統。 本研究之重點項目大致分為5大項: 1.建立太魯閣國家公園之遙測影像歷史資料庫,並利用GIS整合空間資訊,據此探討可能的環境變遷情形,變遷之重點在於自然環境因應氣候變遷的植群分布變化、生態旅遊所造成的改變與園區附近的環境變遷。 2.依據數位典藏的精神,建立太魯閣國家公園生物多樣性與保育研究文獻資料庫,利用保育文獻資料庫,找出生物分布資料,並整合國內相關之生物資源調查資料,建立以GIS為基礎之生物分布與物種多樣性資訊,完成保育知識系統。 3.整合各種GIS圖層,並建立GIS資料庫。 4.本年度保育研究計畫所需之GIS支援。 5.依據現有之生物多樣性資訊,在GIS架構下,進行分析,就未來保育研究課題與數位典藏內容,提出規劃與建議。 Abstract Keywords: Biodiversity, informatics, GIS, database, conservation knowledge database This project investigated the landscape changes and biodiversity informatics integration issues in Taroko National Park. Through the compilation of previous research papers, GIS layers, historic remote sensing images, we constructed a GIS database and a conservation knowledge database for the national park, and analyzed the landscape changes. Using the Internet, we established a web-based conservation database that integrated GIS layers, wildlife distribution, and research papers and provided the users with friendly interface. Major focus of this project includes: 1.Construct a historic image database from remote sensing data. Using a GIS to integrate spatial information, we studied landscape changes with particular focus on natural vegetation succession and possible climate changes, potential impact by tourist development. 2.Follow the guidelines of National Digital Archives Project, compile electronic literature on biodiversity, extract wildlife distribution data from previous published literature and inventory sources, construct a GIS database to construct a conservation knowledge database based on the Internet. 3.Reconstruct current GIS and build additional GIS layers and establish GIS database. 4.Support GIS need in other research project within the national park. 5.Analyze current biodiversity information in a GIS framework, recommend future work that needed to be implemented in the near future.