- 研究方法及過程
- 1. 以自動相機監測中大型哺乳動物族群;2. 評估在蓮花池畔架設即時監測系統之方式;3. 使用Google街景背包拍攝蓮花池步道沿線影像,以供民眾瀏覽;4. 收集國內外環境教育中心之案例,提供蓮花池未來發展之參考。
- 重要發現
自動相機監測發現長鬃山羊、山羌、野豬、台灣獼猴、食蟹獴、及地棲鳥類藍腹鷴與深山竹雞,為本區廣泛分布的物種,且本年度較過去多記錄到2種中大型哺乳動物,包括黃喉貂與白鼻心。蓮花池畔的自動相機顯示野生動物多半在夜間出現,以18:00-21:59開始為最高峰,日間罕有動物到池畔活動。以Royle-Nichols model概估,本區山羌密度約為10.0 隻/km
為測試即時監測系統,本研究在蓮花池畔架設Keep Guard 870NV相機,成功利用該地點的2G行動網路訊號,即時將拍到的動物照片傳回山下。此設備優點為建置與維護成本低,缺點為傳回的照片解析度較差,且電池僅能支持約1個月。因為日間出現在池畔的動物極少,而即時錄影轉播的建置成本極高,建議未來規劃以前述即時照片監測系統為主。
- 以成立環境學習中心為目標,保有蓮花池區具備的遊憩與保育功能,推動研究、教育、文化保存功能之實現。
- 每年以自動相機監測本區一次,每次使用8台相機拍攝約100天,以監測中大型哺乳動物族群長期變化趨勢。
- 由太魯閣國家公園管理處解說教育課評估加入Google地圖推廣計畫中的國家公園專案介紹之效益。
After the lands of Lianhua Pond Village purchased by Taroko National Park in 2006, the residents had left and agricultural activities stopped. This area has become a great habitat for wildlife. In addition, according to its historical background and well-conditioned trail and facilities, this area is suitable for executing long-term wildlife monitoring and is a potential site for development of environmental education activities.
This project included four parts. First, we used camera traps to monitor the population status of medium-large sized mammals. The results suggested that the Formosan serow, Reeves’s muntjac, Formosan macaque, crab-eating mongoose, and two ground dwelling birds, Swinhoe’s pheasant and white-throated hill partridge, were widely distributed in the study area. Two mammal species including yellow-throated marten and gem-faced palm civet were recorded for the first time in this area. In the lakeside of Lianhua Pond, animals mostly occurred during the night, and peaked between 18:00-21:59. Second, we evaluated the methods to set up a real-time wildlife monitor system in the lakeside. The scout camera (Keep Guard 870NV) was successful to send e-mails attached with animal photographs via 2G Global System for Mobile Communication. The advantage of this equipment is its low budget and low effort for establishment and maintenance. However, its disadvantages are the low resolution of photographs and high demand for battery. Third, to advertise the natural scenes of Lianhua Pond trail, we used the google street view backpack to capture views along the trail on August, 2016. The street views will be published online in Google Map website in spring, 2017. Finally, we collected 15 domestic and foreign cases of environmental education center as reference for future development of Lianhua Pond area. Information about the aims, featured courses and target groups, manning quotas, operation organization, land management, and annual budget of the cases were reported, and the future plans for Lianhua Pond area were discussed accordingly. We recommend that research, conservation, and tourism activities should be promoted in Lianhua Pond area, while volunteers and local community must be involved in the process. Finally, this area should be developed as an environmental education center, which aims to educate school students and teacher.
Lianhua Pond area should aim to develop as an environmental education center. We recommend that its existing functions of tourism and conservation should be preserved, and research, education, and cultural preservation functions should be improved. In addition, a long-term monitor of medium-large sized mammal population dynamics should be carried out. The monitor plan would involve eight camera traps with 100 work days per year. Finally, we recommend that the Interpretation and Education Section, Headquarters of Taroko National Park should evaluate the benefits of joining the Google Earth Outreach Program, which could introducing the conservation achievement by Taroko National Park on the webpage of Google Map.