  • 氣溫:22 ℃
  • 降雨:30%


  • 發布日期:99-03-25
  • 瀏覽數:1596
中華民國戶外遊憩學會George L. Peterson
關鍵詞:生態經濟學、非市場價值評估、條件評估法、願付費用、太魯閣國家公園 一、研究緣起 太魯閣國家公園獨特的高峭斷崖與深峻峽谷,以及區內大多地區未受干擾,使得太魯閣國家公園的動植物相豐富且多樣;而這些生態環境資源在環境保育與遊憩利用上扮演相當重要角色。本研究為瞭解太魯閣國家公園的價值,主要研究目的即建立太魯閣國家公園整體價值與經濟效益分析架構,進一步透過非市場評估法進行生態經濟效益之評估,並基於研究結果提出經營管理建議。 二、研究方法及過程 本研究以條件評估法進行太魯閣國家公園生態經濟效益之評估。調查地點選擇大台北地區與花蓮縣市之居民,以及到訪太魯閣國家公園之遊客為受訪對象。 三、重要發現 本研究以Interval Model建立太魯閣國家公園生態經濟效益估計模型,推估平均台灣地區每戶願意捐款金額約為1,283元,95%的信賴區間值約為1,214與1,352元,台灣地區之太魯閣國家公園整體生態經濟效益約為90.5億元,估計95%的信賴區間值,下限值約為85.7億元,上限值約為95.3億元,亦即太魯閣國家公園生態保育效益介於85.7億元與95.3億元之間。 四、主要建議事項 本研究依據研究結果提出短期與長期建議,短期建議管理處可以本研究結果為基準,進行投入經費與產出效益估算,以及針對國家公園重要經營管理策略進行之效益評估,並研擬環境教育之推行與紮根工作,長期建議方面,則建議管理處針對影響民眾願付費用之影響因素,進行深入探討,藉以釐清影響環境效益之因素,進一步則針對太魯閣國家公園生態經濟效益,從不同時空向度,進行生態經濟效益之長期追蹤。 ABSTRACT Keywords: Ecological Economics, Non-Market valuation, Contingent valuation method, Willingness to pay, Taroko National Park Taroko National Park is unique for its high cliffs and deep valley. Most areas of Taroko National Park are undisturbed; the flora and fauna within the park is diverse. These ecological resources play important role on environmental conservation and recreational use. In order to know the value of Taroko National Park, the purposes of this study were to develop a framework of the holistic values and economics analysis associated with Taroko National Park, and further to evaluate ecological economics via non-market valuation. According to the results, Taroko National Park management policies were recommended. In this study, contingent valuation method was used to evaluate the ecological benefit of Taroko National Park. The residents living in Taipei and Hualien and visitors visiting Taroko National Park were chosen as sample group. This study evaluates economic benefit of Taroko National Park ecological resources conservation by Interval model. The results show that average mean WTP of household in Taiwan is 1,283 NTD. The 95% confidence interval value is between 1,214 NTD and 1,352 NTD. The total value of Taroko National Park ecological resources conservation in Taiwan is 9.05 billion NTD. In the 95% confidence interval, the total value is between 8.57 billion NTD and 9.53 billion NTD. According to results and conducting term, this study suggests some recommendations for short term: 1) In order to know the efficiency of conservation task, administer could calculate the input budget and output benefit ratio based on the result. 2) Administer should evaluate the benefit before conducting new strategy. 3) Environmental education has positive effect on conservation task therefore it should be spread as far as possible. For long term, administer could do advanced study to refine the factors that influence on willingness to pay for environment. Besides, it is necessary to evaluate the economic benefit of Taroko National Park ecological resources conservation from space-time aspect.