  • 氣溫:20 ℃
  • 降雨:30%


  • 發布日期:99-03-25
  • 瀏覽數:1117
全球許多地區的國家公園/保護區與當地住民(尤其原住民)之間,曾經有過非常衝突性的關係;自從1980年代以來,新的,住民參與甚至與政府共同管理國家公園/保護區的趨勢才逐漸開始。本研究之目的,即是針對國外的國家公園/保護區的住民參與以及「共同管理」之發展歷史、現況與問題,進行介紹與討論。本研究針對實施共管制度最為長久的兩個國家公園─加拿大的Kluane國家公園與澳洲的Uluru-KataTjuta國家公園進行了深入的介紹與分析討論,包括共管制度的緣起、制度設計、理念,以及實際執行的方式與成效。最後,本研究對於台灣目前進行類似規劃時必須考慮的台灣社會經濟與政治特殊性,以及必須注意的事項提出建言。 【Abstract】 There has been a history of conflict between many national parks/protected areas and the local people (particularly the indigenous people) in the world. It is only since the 1980s that new, participatory style and co-management system of national parks/protected areas began to emerge. The main purpose of this research is to study the historical development, present state of affairs, and possible problems of local participation and co-management of national parks/protected areas in different parts of the world. This research will focus on more detailed discussion of two national parks that have gained world recognition in their co-management system and practice, namely Kluane National Park of Canada and Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park of Australia. In addition, this research will discuss about the lessons Taiwan can learn from the experiences of these co-management models.