  • 氣溫:26 ℃
  • 降雨:10%


  • 發布日期:99-03-25
  • 瀏覽數:1050
合歡山地區是國內重要高山地區旅遊重點,四季皆有不同風貌,吸引眾多觀光客前往欣賞高山風光,同時也是重要交通要道,通往花蓮、南投、梨山等地車輛絡繹不絕,每日將近千部。冬季下雪更將吸引1萬5千遊客上山賞雪。山上公廁雖多,但原始設計未能考慮高山寒帶特殊氣候,因此缺水、凍結阻塞、管路破裂等現象每年發生,將廁所封閉造成遊客不便。本計畫於武嶺地區應用生態工法設計及建造一座乾式公廁方法,於91年9月起開放使用,至91年12月已有超過7000人次應用。本系統設計微生物最佳生長環境,將人體排洩物轉換為水及二氧化碳排放,因完全不排放污水,所以沒二次污染之現象,未來將可推廣應用至其他高山地區及水源保護區,以保護生態及永續發展目的。 There is short of water makes the toilet can’t flush and the low temperature make the drainpipe were blocked for the ice in winter. The public toilet was closed every year at the Ho-huan mountain. This area is also an important traffic point to Hualien, Nantou and Lishan area. So the public toilet had to be modify for operation all year round. It was developed an Eco-engineering toilet this project to treat the feces and urine by composting process, the pilot toilet was installed at Wulien area (3275m height)since Sep.2002, for the 4months operation, more than 7000 services,no waste water and secondary pollution , It was approved the Eco-engineering dry toilet is an ideal toilet in high mountain area.