  • 氣溫:22 ℃
  • 降雨:30%


  • 發布日期:99-03-25
  • 瀏覽數:1086
台灣為多山型的海島,山區面積即佔全島面積的三分之二,由於半世紀以來社會經濟的高度成長,國際交流旅遊開放帶動山岳活動的蓬勃發展,加上目前實施週休二日,更增加了登山活動人口,而登山活動事故發生率及對大自然破壞的急遽增加亦伴隨而來,因此目前面臨刻不容緩的課題是提高登山素質(戶外活動),設立登山學校,以增進登山安全,並落實大自然環保的正確觀念及智識。太管處(九十)年四月十四、十五日所召開之登山研討會,與會人員咸認為國內登山教育有賴提昇,儘速推動辦理登山學校獲得一致之共識。 然而目前國防部於合歡山區設立之寒訓中心,大多僅於冬季期間供軍方寒訓活動使用,國防部為該中心之用地刻正向林務局申請撥地中,因合歡山區腹地有限,本處欲覓其他登山教育場地已不可得,爰研提本研究計畫,提出登山學校所需使用之基地、設施,及寒訓中心爾後之維護管理,據以協商國防部寒訓中心基地設施共同使用事宜,期能有利於登山學校之推動。 The research is the mountain school of Mt. Ho-Huan. Taiwan is a mountain island, 2/3 of the land by the mountains. Since the economic status is highly improved within the last fifty years. Traveling abroad has brought activities involve within mountain grow rapidly. Also Taiwan’s weekend has changed to two days break. The accidental and environmental issues are growing correspondingly. Thus, there is a growing demand for a mountain school in order to make users safe and environmental aware within the mountains. The Mountain Climbing Symposium held by Toroko National Park on April 14th, 2001 reached an consensus of setting a mountain school in Taiwan since 2002. The Ho-Huan Winter Training Center which belongs to Military Department has been considered being use in winter time for the military usage only. And also because the suitable place within Ho-Huan Shan is hard to find the based, Toroko National Park intends to negotiate with Military Department making the mountain school possible.