  • 氣溫:22 ℃
  • 降雨:20%


  • 發布日期:99-03-25
  • 瀏覽數:1003
本研究執行期間自1998年7月1曰至1999年6月30日,為期一年。 本研究以歷史沿革與景觀資源為基礎,藉以瞭解昔日文化的光影與生活的點滴,茲提出經營管理的建議如下: (一)本研究對於太魯閣國家公園合歡聯絡古道進行通盤的調查與評估,可作為管理單位在觀光遊憩、企畫、工務之參考,尤其古道的歷史資源,更是自然保育、解說教育的重要題材與資料。 (二)根據本項調查顯示,合歡聯絡古道所擁有的歷史資源,是國家公園重要的文化遺產,值得進行永續經營。 (三)本次調查已將古道人文景觀資源做一調查,未來可針對沿線特色,做適當的遊程規劃。 (四)本研究雖已將合歡聯絡古道路線做一踏勘與訂正,然而古道與全區古道資源之關係,仍待進一步調查與研究,以期呈現國家公園全區古道之豐富性。 A Study on the History along Ho-huan Historic Track, Taroko Abstract This study last one year, from July 1, 1997 to June 30, 1998. According to the actual surveys, what can be concluded is that the route of chui-lu Historic Trail shifted at least for three times. Anbu pass line was the earliest. Then, it was changed to Duanyai old line, and finally, to Duanyai new line. By surveying the remains of the past communities and building along this historic trail, we are able to obtain a more concrete view over the culture of the Atayal Tribe and the controlling policies by the Japan reinforced around that area. Totally, 87 home buildings of the tribe people, 7 buildings for military purpose, 14 official buildings, 8 bridges and 2 other buildings are included in our investigation. The concluded suggestions for management drawn form this study are as follows: 1.Rebuild the New Shanyue Bridge of the Japanese time, by way of which, people can reach Batagan. 2.At the early stage when the trail is opened to visitors, the best route will be from Batagan to Duanyai, returning by the same. This is safer and easier to control. Duanyai station should have water facilities and clear guidance for place to shelter form bad weather. 3.Reconstruct Anbu pass line and provide more informative knowledge, as well as guiding pamphlets. 4.The section from chui-lu to Holiu should not open to visitors until the water facilities, shelters, emergency treatment, and interpretation notices are all amply provided.