  • 氣溫:21 ℃
  • 降雨:40%


  • 發布日期:99-03-25
  • 瀏覽數:1109
關鍵詞:效益評估、太魯閣國際馬拉松、太魯閣峽谷音樂節   國家公園為落實遊憩與育樂目標,常辦理「與國家公園有約」及「生態旅遊」的活動;復因活動內容型態與活動主題及目的不同,也可類分為大型競技活動、藝文活動,或是較屬靜態而以知識獲取為導向的環境教育、生態觀察活動。在太魯閣國家公園的遊憩範圍內,曾多次舉辦大型之峽谷國際馬拉松活動,每次吸引參賽者數量多達數千人至萬人之譜;亦有舉辦自然與人文情境結合的峽谷音樂節活動,參與之遊客亦在六千人之譜。這兩個大型休閒活動,儼然已成為花蓮地區的盛事,亦是全國與國際性最佳的宣傳型活動,也是太魯閣國家公園管理處嚴守保育目標之下,執行育樂業務的驕傲成績。   然而,在國家公園內辦理大型休閒活動,勢必有其優勢與劣境要充份評估,例如:大型活動是否會影響生態環境?是否影響保育業務的推行?是否會帶來地區產業經濟?是否提昇遊客更良好的身心體驗?是否更能提昇太魯閣國家公園之國際形象?種種在休閒參與與體驗學理上屬於生理、社交、放鬆、心理、教育與美學之休閒效益,以及休閒態度之認知、情感與行為傾向等,都應進一步評估,以作為未來國家公園是否辦理此一類業務之參酌。   本研究以太魯閣國家公園舉辦國際馬拉松及峽谷音樂節為例,採行質性研究之深度訪談,在2004年10月針對太管處多位政策制定與計畫執行層面之人員作訪談,將獲得之成軸登錄與選擇登錄意見,作為活動執行者(太管處同仁與協辦單位、志工)、活動參與者之態度量表問卷內容設計參考。再以問卷訪談2004年馬拉松活動之參與者共獲419份有效問卷,同年馬拉松活動辦理者之有效問卷為太管處員工128份,志工問卷161份,並進行不同類群意見之分析與交叉比較分析。調查結果為馬拉松參與者以男性居多(67.1﹪),並約四成來自於台北縣市,花蓮地區為11.99﹪;97﹪是專程參賽的選手,並有三成利用大眾運輸之火車與接駁公車進入賽區。其中61.5﹪表示「滿意」此活動,21.8﹪則「非常滿意」,「不滿意」或「非常不滿意」僅3.6﹪;而且有55.4﹪「願意」、36.3﹪「非常願意」未來再參加馬拉松活動。再訪談2004年的馬拉松活動辦理者,其與活動參與者之認知與態度大致相同;但憂慮於國家公園峽谷環境的落石與天災風險,則有33.7﹪表示未來由「太管處主辦,其他單位協辦」,31.7﹪則直接表示「縣府主辦,太管處協辦」。   至於較低風險的太魯閣峽谷音樂節活動,遊客則以女性居多(67.7﹪),並有一半來自於花蓮地區,次為台北縣市,並影響其使用的交通工具;對於這類型藝文活動參與者,多持「滿意」(65.4﹪)與「非常滿意」(21.3﹪)之看法,僅有1.8﹪遊客表示「不滿意」與「非常不滿意」。未來亦表示「願意」(57.4﹪)與 「非常願意」(36.2﹪)再參與音樂節活動。   本研究以2004年的大型休閒活動調查為軸,再應用同樣的問卷內容,向2005年的同類型活動之遊客進行訪談,獲得馬拉松活動有效問卷558份,音樂節活動有效問卷573份。2005年馬拉松活動由於受到路線變更與天氣酷熱影響,其滿意度有降低的情形,約56.7﹪表示「滿意」,15.6﹪表示「非常滿意」,表示未來再繼續參與的遊客數亦降了一成;至於音樂節活動則尚能維持2004年的同樣水準。   再評估大型活動之經濟效益,2004年的馬拉松活動為地方帶來2千萬的經濟效益,2005年降為1600萬;音樂節活動在2004年有8百萬的經濟收益,2005年則因表演天次為兩天,提昇為1200萬。復以因素分析簡化及探討兩個活動不同調查年份的因素影響,則發現馬拉松活動以「社交關係」、「心靈復原」、「成就自尊」及「消除疲勞」等四個因素為主,其中2005年因競賽路線變更為較安全平緩,便得該年份之活動成為安全而普遍化之「大眾型」活動,並降低了原有在峽谷競跑之成就感。音樂節活動則以「心靈復原」、「成就自尊」與「社交關係」為主要因素,且在兩個調查年份均無顯著差異。 本研究建議未來能持續針對此類大型休閒活動,建立一套效益評估之準則與評估機制,讓國家公園的活動能與所秉持之保育宗旨與育樂目標相結合,並為遊客帶來高品質而富於自然與人文內涵的體驗。 Abstract 【Key Words】 Benefit Evaluation, Taroko International Marathon, Taroko Gorge Concert Festival. In the designated Recreational Areas within the premises of Taroko National Park in Hualien County, Taiwan, the “Taroko International Marathon” and “Taroko Gorge Concert Festival” have been held many times with up to 10,000 people in attendance per event. These two large-scale events have become major Hualien activities promoted nationally within Taiwan and also internationally. It is necessary to thoroughly evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of holding these kinds of recreational events in the National Parks. To what extent do they affect the ecological environment? How do they affect the implementation of conservation? Do they improve the domestic economic incomes? Do they enhance the physical and psychological experiences of tourists? Do they promote the international image of Taroko National Park? This research evaluates psychological, social, recreational, educational, and aesthetic aspects of participation in and experience of leisure and recreational activities as well as cognitive, emotive, and behavioral tendencies in attitudes toward leisure activities to evaluate and provide consultation on National Park policy for the future. The first step in the research is in-depth interviews conducted in October 2004 with a number of policy-making and implementation level personnel of Taroko National Park to obtain initial data which was processed through axial coding and selective coding and used as a basis to develop Likert-scale questionnaires. These questionnaires were then used to investigate the attitudes toward the events of activity operators (staff and volunteers of Taroko National Park and co-organizing agencies) and participants. For the 2004 Taroko International Marathon, out of interviews conducted on a single day, 419 valid questionnaires were obtained from interviews with participants, 128 valid questionnaires from interviews with staff, and 161 valid questionnaires from interviews with volunteers. These data were analyzed individually and cross-analyzed for comparison. The analysis results show that the International Marathon participants were predominately male (66.7%), with 40% coming from Taipei County and 11.99% from the Hualien region. Of the participants, 97% were competitors who had come specifically to participate in the event, and 30% had used public transportation such as railway and buses to enter the Taroko area. Among the satisfaction rate of the participants questioned, 61% were “satisfied” with the Marathon, 21.8% were “very satisfied”, and only 3.6% were “dissatisfied” and “very dissatisfied”. 55.4% expressed that they were “willing”, and 36.3% “very willing”, to join the Taroko International Marathon in the future. The interviews with the marathon operators (Taroko National Park authority officials and staff) found that their cognitive responses and attitudes to the event were generally consistent with those of the participants. Reflecting a concern about the risk of rockslides and nature calamities in Taroko National Park Gorge, 33.7% of the operator respondents expressed a preference that the event be organized by Taroko and co-organized by other agencies in the future, while 31.7% expressed a preference that it be directly organized by the Hualien County Administration Office and co-organized by Taroko National Park. For the lower risk “Taroko Gorge Concert Festival”, which is not held in the calamity-prone gorge areas women predominated (67.7%) among participants. 50% of the participants were from the Hualien area, and the secondary largest group came from Taipei region, with these regional differences reflected in the usage of different types of transportation. Of participants in the musical concert festival, 64.5% were “satisfied” and 21.3% were “very satisfied”. Only 1.8% were “dissatisfied” or very dissatisfied”. The findings further showed that 57.4% were “willing” and 36.2% “very willing” to join the Taroko Gorge Concert Festival again. The 2004 interviews were followed up with interviews using the same questionnaire contents for the same events held in 2005. Out of interviews with participants in 2005, a total of 558 valid questionnaires were obtained for the Taroko International Marathon and 573 for the Taroko Gorge Concert Festival. Due to marathon route changes and extremely hot weather conditions, the satisfaction rate with the International Marathon tended to be lower in 2005 than 2004. Of the participants in 2005, 56.7% were “satisfied” and 15.6% “very satisfied”; the figure “willing” to participate again in the marathon was 10% lower than in 2004. For the 2005 Taroko Gorge Concert Festival, on the other hand, the data findings were similar to those from 2004. In terms of economic benefit, the 2004 Taroko International Marathon brought about NT$20 million in income, which fell to NT$16 million in 2005. The two-day 2004 Taroko Gorge Concert Festival generated NT$8 million dollars, which increased to NT$12 million in 2005. The findings of a factors analysis of the leisure benefits of the 2004 and 2005 Taroko International Marathon identified “socializing,” “emotional recuperation,” “pride in goal achievement” and “reinvigoration from tiredness” as the four main benefits. The ranking of "pride in goal achievement" by participant respondents fell from 2004 to 2005, however, reflecting the less arduous marathon course laid out by organizers in 2005 out of safety concerns and to popularize the event. The finding concerning leisure benefits as experienced by participants in the Gorge Concert Festival, on the other hand, remained generally consistent in the surveys from 2004 to 2005. It is recommended that such surveys be carried on continuously for future large-scale activities in Taroko National Park, to build up a set of benefit evaluation guidelines and mechanisms, for reference by the Park in formulating policies for conservation and recreation that will enhance visitor experience while preserving the natural environment of the park.