  • 氣溫:20 ℃
  • 降雨:10%


  • 發布日期:99-03-25
  • 瀏覽數:954
關鍵字:防治、入侵植物、銀合歡、復舊   太魯閣國家公園外來植物種類總共有63科137屬159種,這其中蕨類植物有1種,裸子植物有5種,雙子葉植物116種,單子葉植物有37種。植物的習性方面,喬木有28種,灌木有45種,藤本有14種,草本有72種,其中栽培的種類有95種,歸化種有33種,入侵種有31種。入侵種中以菊科、禾本科與豆科為主。   由調查園區內入侵植物的物候資料可以發現,大部分的植物全年可以開花結果,這可說明這些入侵植物的生殖策略相當成功,繁殖能力很強整年都可以繁衍下一代。其播遷機制為風力、動物傳播和蒴果開裂為主,有的會以無性繁殖為主來大面積拓展其領域。   入侵植物的原產地主要以熱帶美洲或南美洲為主。這些入侵植物在國家公園內的分佈,主要以全區低海拔開闊地、破壞地、河川地為主如藿香薊、大花咸豐草等。槭葉牽牛、銳葉牽牛、紅花野牽牛、百香果、毛西番蓮、三角葉西番蓮等藤本植物分佈於低海拔林緣地,另外咸豐草,野塘蒿、大扁雀麥、椒草主要分佈在中高海拔開闊地。非洲鳳仙花、紫花酢醬草、吊竹草分布於低海拔林下。其入侵植物入侵的範圍主要以破壞地為主,但小花蔓澤蘭、銀合歡、槭葉牽牛、銳葉牽牛、紅花野牽牛、百香果、毛西番蓮、三角葉西番蓮、吊竹草這八個種類已經入侵到原生區域或環境值得重視。   建議優先處理種類中銀合歡以蘇花公路沿線為主,主要以台九線181.5K、178.5K、176K、171K 仁清明隧道附近優先。小花蔓澤蘭、槭葉牽牛、銳葉牽牛、紅花野牽牛、百香果、毛西番蓮、三角葉西番蓮低主要位於全區低海拔各林緣地。吊竹草主要位於布洛灣步道林下。   有種類可能因為其他用處建議不處理,如觀賞用種類:藿香薊、紫花藿香薊、長炳菊、非洲鳳仙花、紫花酢醬草。如水土保持用種類:椒草、三裂葉蟛蜞菊、象草。如蜜源植物種類:馬櫻丹、長穗木、大花咸豐草、咸豐草。其餘種類只要維持原生植被環境可暫時不處理。   各站經營管理入侵植物建議,崇德站、大清水站和管理處優先處理銀合歡、小花蔓澤蘭、槭葉牽牛、銳葉牽牛、紅花野牽牛、百香果、毛西番蓮、三角葉西番蓮。布洛灣優先處理吊竹草。綠水站及合歡山站基於水土保持可不處理。   銀合歡為太魯閣國家公園範圍內之重要入侵植物。本研究採用藥劑注射處理及天然更新操作方式,擬將銀合歡佔優勢之林分變更為原生樹種佔優勢之林分,選用之藥劑為嘉磷塞。第一季之藥劑注射處理區分為銀合歡單株胸高直徑每cm注射嘉塞磷藥劑劑量1/2、1/4及1/8 ml,上述劑量可不同程度的抑制銀合歡生長,但無法有效致死,故在第二季處理時將藥量加倍,其效果將於本年底送交管理單位參考。構樹為一原生樹種,在銀合歡試驗地的更新及生長狀況頗佳,其與銀合歡幼苗及稚樹間之競爭關係,有待進一步觀察,以評估未來林分更新的之方向。 Abstract Key words: control, invasive species, Leucaena leucocephala, restoration The alien plants inventories recorded a total of 63 families, 137 genera and 159 species, among 95 cultivated species, 33 naturalized species and 31 invasive species. The invasive species are mostly belonged to Compositae, Poaceae and Fabaceae. The phenological datas reveal that the invasive plants are blooming and fruiting all the year and breeding device are very successful. The dispersal mechanism of invasive plants is by wind, animals and capsule cleavage, and some species also dispersal by agamogenesis .to colonized their territory. The invasive plants mostly disturbed original in tropical America and South America, open and destructively places and riverside throughout the whole national park, But it may pay much attention to that Mikania micrantha, Leucaena leucocephal, Ipomoea cairica, I. indica, I. triloba, Passiflora edulis, P. suberosa and P. foetida var. hispida were invasive to native region and environment. The suggesting drown from this study for the future management are as follows: 1. The priority to deal with Leucaena leucocephal along Suao-Hualien roads at 181.5K, 178.5K, 176K, and 171K and Mikania micrantha, Ipomoea cairica, I. indica, I. triloba, Passiflora edulis, P. suberosa and P. foetida var. hispida distributed in the edge of forest at low altitudes. 2. On the basis of to view and admire, soil management or nectar source, some species were not to handle it. Leucaena leucocephala is an invasive species in Taroko National Park. Herbicide injection and natural regeneration were adopted together for the restoration of Leucaena leucocephala dominant forest to native species dominant forest. Glyphosate is a cheap and effective herbicide to control the adult of Leucaena leucocephala; however, the amount of herbicide for first season injection in this study can’t kill the tree in short time; so the double amount of herbicide was used for second season injection. We will monitor the result, and give a suitable herbicide amount suggestion to National Park headquarter for Leucaena leucocephala control. The Broussonetia kaempferi is a native species which grow and regenerate well under Leucaena leucocephala herbicide treatment forest. The competition between Leucaena leucocephala and Broussonetia kaempferi need to monitor longer for understanding the pathway of forest regeneration.