  • 氣溫:24 ℃
  • 降雨:60%


  • 發布日期:99-03-25
  • 瀏覽數:902
關鍵詞:太魯閣國家公園、高海拔、哺乳類、鳥類、動物資源   本研究自民國九十三年三月初起至同年十一月底止,於合歡山區、畢祿山區、奇萊山區及南湖山區,海拔高度二千五百公尺以上區域進行乳類及鳥類調查。調查乃沿調查路線,以聽、看動物痕跡或搜尋排遺方式進行,合歡山區、畢祿山區及奇萊山區各進行兩次調查,南湖山區進行一次調查。七次調查結果共發現山羌、長鬃山羊、水鹿、台灣獼猴、黃喉貂、野豬、黃鼠狼、鼬獾等8種哺乳類共579筆記錄,以及無法辨識的動物排遺67筆。鳥類則於調查樣點內記錄有18科35種632隻次,樣點外另記錄有22科43種509隻次,其中有帝雉等15種鳥類未於樣點內記錄到,合計樣點內外共記錄鳥類23科50種1141隻次。結果發現,哺乳類方面,黃喉貂和鼬獾的數量與分佈較前人研究者多而廣;合歡山區缺乏偶蹄目動物,但貂科動物數量頗多;野豬在研究區域裏數量稀少;水鹿只活動在海拔3000公尺以上的短箭竹草地。鳥類方面,一般而言,海拔3000公尺以下山區的鳥種和數量都較3000公尺以上山區為多,南湖山區的鳥類群聚最為多樣豐富,研究中新發現兩種前人研究中未記錄的鳥種。建議未來可對水鹿與合歡山區的貂類動物進行深入研究,並對水鹿的保育管理以及野生動物資料庫的建構進行規劃。 ABSTRACT Keywords:Taroko National Park, mammals, high mountain area, birds, animal resources Wildlife resource was surveyed in four high mountain areas (Hohuan, Pilu, Chilai and Nanhu areas, elevational range >2500m) of Taroko National Park during March and December, 2004. The survey was focused on birds and certain taxa of mammals (Carnivora, Artiodactyla, Primate). Tracks and signs of mammals along the hiking trails in the four mountain areas were recorded, while birds were surveyed by fixed point counts at sampling points along the trails. A total of eight mammal species were recorded, among which Martes flavigula are the new record of the area and Melogale moschata are found to be more abundant than previous reports. In addition, Sus scrofa are uncommon in the area, while Cervus unicolor are only found in areas above 3000m in elevation. Thirty-five species of birds were recorded at sampling points, but 15 more species were recorded along the trails. Birds were found to be more diverse and more abundant in ares below 3000m and especially in Nanhu area. Further studies on Mustelids (especially in Hohuan area) and Cervus unicolor, as well as planning on the conservation management program of Cervus unicolor and wildlife database are recommended.