  • 氣溫:21 ℃
  • 降雨:40%


  • 發布日期:99-03-04
  • 瀏覽數:1395
太魯閣地區(蘇花沿線)從古生代以來歷經多次的板塊碰撞與隱沒作用,形成了非常複雜的地質構造與多采多姿的演化歷史。因此,形成了太魯閣地區多種的變質岩與豐富的礦物,岩石的種類計有片麻岩、大理岩、角閃岩、綠色片岩、黑色片岩、白雲岩、石英雲母片岩、變質燧石等等。常見的礦物計有石英、黑雲母、白雲母、綠泥石、綠簾石、石榴子石、方解石、白雲石、斜長石、鉀長石、冰長石、黃鐵礦、普通角閃石、透閃石、陽起石、藍閃石、薔薇輝石、電氣石、蛇紋石。   台灣島每年大約以1公分極快的速度抬升形成高聳的中央山脈,地殼快速的抬升,同時造成快速的侵蝕。從快速抬升與快速的侵蝕作用,造就了特殊的山脈景觀。中央山脈除了有高聳綿延的山脈之外,還有令人歎為觀止的峽谷地形。太魯閣峽谷的「一線天景觀」就是少見的峽谷, 陡崖以及下切河流等地形,如此特殊的景觀必須處在地殼快速隆起以及河流快速向下切蝕的地區才可以形成。蘇花海岸面臨太平洋,地形更因為板塊的擠壓形成了陡峭的海底地形,幾乎沒有大陸棚架的地形。從海岸連接大陸斜坡直接深入深海洋盆,此種海底地形可稱為少見的景觀。 ABSTRACT The investigated area is along the Suhua highway within the the Taroko National Park, Eastern Taiwan. The investigation is aim at the geologic resources of mineral products and geological-education tourism. At present, the planning toured-courses have 5 routes along the coast of the Heren, Dachinshui, Chongde, Huide, and Shikongzai paths. The Suhua highway within the Central Range is exposed the pre-Cenozoic metamorphic rocks including gneiss, marble, green schist, and meta-chert. And the familiar minerals within in the metamorphic rock have rock crystal (quartz), biotite, muscovite, chlorite, garnet, calcite, dolomite, plagioclase, K-feldspar, adularia, pyrite, hornblende, actinolite, rhodonite, and tourmaline. The Taroko National Park is located at an ongoing orogenic belt in the world, that crustal deformation is active and the uplifting rate is about 1 cm/yr. Therefore the active mountain belt is formed an exceptional landforms, such as the gulch, steep cliff and incised river…