  • 氣溫:21 ℃
  • 降雨:30%


  • 發布日期:99-03-25
  • 瀏覽數:851
一、研究緣起 太魯閣國家公園為台灣罕見的高山遊憩勝地,並居百岳入口之登山區位,吸引眾多遊客前往,但頻繁觀光活動對於當地生態環境造成衝擊,因此本研究針對園區內進行遊客量與遊客滿意度調查,以提供管理單位研擬策略,藉由適當之管理策略來維護生態環境達到永續經營之目標。 二、研究方法與過程 本研究主要目的在於瞭解遊客使用量對生態環境之影響與遊客對園區遊憩設施之觀感,分就遊客量與遊客滿意度調查方式進行探討。在遊客量部分,將就據點調查之遊客量做為未來推估遊客量之依據;於遊客最常停留之據點進行遊客滿意度調查,以得知遊客對園區設施需求之觀感,並提供管理單位作為參考。 三、重要發現 在遊客滿意度與環境設施觀感方面,本研究針對調查結果,歸納整理太魯閣國家公園遊客對於園區環境、遊憩設施等之觀感,提供管理單位建議。在遊客人次推估部分,本研究根據全年調查之遊客量,建構遊客量推估預測模型,經研究推估結果可知民國93年合歡山遊憩區之總遊客量約為三十一萬二千五百人次左右。未來兩年若外在環境無劇變,則遊客量將呈緩步成長狀況。遊客主要由台14甲公路清境農場方面往返,約佔整體遊客量58%。本區內造訪率最高的據點依序為武嶺、合歡山莊以及大禹嶺。管理單位可據此針對未來增減變化之遊客量做管理策略上之調整。 四、主要建議事項 本研究根據研究結果提出太魯閣國家公園之生態環境衝擊管理策略與遊客滿意度調查之建議。在設施需求部分,相關建議包括以下幾點:一、增加指示牌、凹凸鏡等交通安全設施以保障遊客安全。二、規範園區內計程車收費標準或增設大眾接駁交通工具。三、改善園區住宿設施並增加住宿地點。四、建議增加教育性質之生態解說活動以宣導生態保育意義。五、增設餐飲販賣設施並嚴格取締攤販以維護環境整潔。在生態環境衝擊部分,由於山區水源不足與腹地狹小,造成遊客遊憩使用上之不便,並且影響生態環境,因此建議管理單位能設置長期監控遊客量之系統,監測並管制遊客數量,以維護生態環境平衡並且提升遊客滿意度。 ABSTRACT Keywords: Recreational impact, Forecasting model, Visitor satisfaction I. Research Aims Hohuan Mountain Area of Taroko National Park is the absolutely unique environment for mountain recreational activities in Taiwan. Because of visitors are dragged by its beautiful scenery, as a result of overcrowded the biological environment is becoming degradation. The aims of this project are to engage the visitor survey and establish the visitor database as reference material for the park headquarters, in order to provide suitable strategies for preserve the ecological environment and offer recreational opportunity for sustainable use as well. II. Research method The project employed two kinds of survey method. First, questionnaire survey was used to collect visitor information about travel behavior, visitors’ satisfaction level, and visitors’ need. Secondly, the en-rount counting survey at the main access points was employed to estimate the amount of visitors. III. Findings According to the results, the project provides the satisfaction level and facilities need for the entire Hohuan area and the individual visit spot. And the project also provides basic socio-demographic profile for visitors and the comparison between different groups, such as holidays vs. non-holiday visitors, low season vs. high season visitors, and for snow season visitor also gives a clear description for their need. Estimating of visitation for 2004 in Hohuan area is around 312,500 visits. The simple regression model was formed for forecasting visitation and the result shows there will be a slow upgrade increasing for visits within next two years. IV. Suggestion According to the result of the questionnaire survey, five of the management aspects can be summarized, these are traffic, accommodation, travel information, food-and-beverage and hygiene, most of all is the recreational impact in ecological environment. And the project gives some suggestion for these aspect, as the short-terms strategies for management, the project suggest: 1. to increase the indication and traffic security facilities ; 2. to establish the charter bus for public transportation within park; 3. to improve accommodations and increase the over-night spots; 4.to increase the ecological education and publicity; 5. to maintain the hygiene level in food and beverage. For the ecological impact, the project suggest to set up a long term surveillance system both for visitor behavior and visitor amount in order to accurately control the visitation and the environmental sustainability.