  • 氣溫:21 ℃
  • 降雨:30%


  • 發布日期:99-03-25
  • 瀏覽數:1538
中文摘要: 台灣高山有無冰河遺跡,學術界有正反兩方的論點。日據時代,日本學者如鹿野忠雄(1932、1934、1935) 、田中薰等(1934)、富田芳郎(1934),以及大陸學者如崔之久(1981,1989)、施雅風(1989、1992、1994)、李 吉均(1989)等,都支持台灣高山區在末次冰期(Last Glaciation)時,應發生過冰河。可是,光復後,台灣地質 界卻持河源崩谷的論點。証明冰河遺跡,有賴直接証據與間接証據。直接証據的研究方法著重辨認冰坎 (cirque threshold)、擦痕(striation)、冰磧(moraine)和沉積物分析,擦痕和冰坎直接指示冰河的侵蝕作用,而沉 積物分析則指示冰積環境和沉積年代。間接証據的研究方法很多,一般多賴地貌調查、地貌幾何特性分 析和以古氣候資訊為基礎的雪線重建。在考量研究地點的易達性,以及依據日據時代台灣高山冰河研究 文獻所論述的山區後,本研究選擇了南湖大山區進行地貌調查與分析。研究結果上,本研究在上、下圈 谷內找到了冰蝕擦痕,在各個圈谷內找到釵h冰坎,鑑別出南湖大山區至少分布著13個冰斗、4個冰盆 (glacial basin)、1個殘餘冰斗等的18個圈谷,以及3條U形谷(U-shaped valley)。本研究還發現上、下圈谷的四 周坡地,分布著多處石流坡(rock slope),明顯的指示出現代高山冰緣環境(periglacial environment)。 關鍵詞:末次冰期、直接証據、冰坎、擦痕、冰緣環境 英文摘要: ABSTRACT There is an argument for a long about whether there are glacier relics in Taiwan alpine regions. To answer the question of the Last Glaciation landform in the Taiwan alpine regions, a survey of the historical physical environment is necessary. There are two kinds of evidences that support Quaternary glaciers occurred in the high mountain areas, direct evidence and indirect evidence. The study of direct evidence focuses on finding the cirque threshold and striation on the surface of rocks of moraines or rock bars. These are the best evidences for the glacial landform and indicate the glacial erosion processes. While the analysis of sediments and dating can clarify the glacial genesis. The study of indirect evidence focuses on morphometry analysis and snowline reconstruction based on the palaeoclimate. Because of the far accessibility of Shesan, I choose Nanhodashan area as the study area. According to the results of this study, the following evidences are obtained. In the terms of geomorphological analysis, there are 18 cirques and 3 U-shaped valley in total, and the cirque threshold and striation were found on the bottom in many cirques. At present, many rock slopes along every valley in Nanhodashan area, which indicates a periglacial environment. Key Words:Last Glaciation、direct evidence、cirque threshold、striation