  • 氣溫:23 ℃
  • 降雨:10%


  • 發布日期:99-03-25
  • 瀏覽數:1419
本研究調查太魯閣國家公園海濱地區的植被,目的在了解當地植物種類及植被類型並繪製現生植被圖。共記錄443種維管束植物;根據所設置的80個定量樣區記錄到的199種植物及6項環境因子(海拔、坡度、方位、地形、含石率、風速)進行分析,以降趨對應分析(DCA)、雙向指標種分析法(TWINSPAN)、列表比較法及形相樣點的設置並命名後,共分出10個群團包含17個群叢,此17個群叢分別為1.白茅-甜根子草群叢2.馬鞍藤-蔓荊群叢3.馬鞍藤群叢4.大花鬼針草-芒草群叢5.芒草群叢6.羅氏鹽膚木-台灣蘆竹群叢7.台灣蘆竹群叢8.月桃-血桐群叢 9.木麻黃群叢10.林投群叢11.台灣蘆竹-銀合歡群叢12.銀合歡群叢13.構樹-血桐群叢14.山棕-血桐群叢15.木防己-林投群叢16.森氏紅淡比-杜英群叢17.黃連木-榕群叢。
  再進一步將17個群叢合併為10群團,分別為1.蔓荊群團2.甜根子草群團3.台灣蘆竹群團4.銀合歡群團5.構樹-血桐群團6.林投群團7.木麻黃群團8.芒草群團9.森氏紅淡比-杜英群團10.黃連木-榕群團。加上4類人為景觀11.人工林12.耕地13.建成地14.道路及鐵路等,再加上3類自然景觀15.沙灘、河床16.裸岩、崩塌地17.河川等共17類做為繪製植被圖的單位。結果顯示植被面積最大者為構樹-血桐群團,共約53.62ha,約佔8.4%,其次為銀合歡群團共約45.38ha,約佔7.1%。天然景觀面積最大者為河床、沙灘,共約181.53ha,約佔28.6%。人為景觀面積最大者為耕地,共約79.60ha,約佔12.5%。 DCA之分析結果顯示影響植被最大的環境因子為地形。太魯閣海濱地區由於地形陡峭造成隔絕,陡崖下沙灘狹窄限制了植物的生長與分布,加以人為干擾嚴重,故該地區典型的海濱植物種類及數量皆不多,而人工林及耕地佔相當大的面積,自然植被中亦是呈現干擾過後以常見陽性植物為主的次生植被。



  The purpose of this study is to investigate the vegetation of the costal areas in Taroko National Park and map real costal vegetation patterns in chart according to the species and vegetation types found in these areas. There were 443 vascular plants documented. Vegetation classification obtained in this study is useful as a basis for real vegetation mapping. In this study, a total of 119 species and six environmental factors (Altitude、Slope、Aspect、Topographic、Stone、Wind velocity) from the 80 sampling plots were analyzed by DCA, TWINSPAN and tabular comparison in the syntaxa. After grouping similar setting and naming each group, The results of the syntaxa was classified into 10 alliances and 17 associations as following. These 17 associations include Imperata cylindrical-Saccharum spontaneum ASS.、Ipomoea pescaprae-Vitex rotundifolia ASS.、Vitex rotundifolia ASS.、Bidens chilensis-Miscanthus sinensis ASS.、Miscanthus sinensis ASS.、Rhus javanica-Arundo formosana ASS.、Arundo formosana ASS.、Alpinia zerumbet-Macaranga tanarius ASS.、Casuarina equisetfolia ASS.、Pandanus odoratissimus ASS.、Arundo formosana-Leucaena leucocephala ASS.、Leucaena leucocephala ASS.、Broussonetia papyrifera-Macaranga tanarius ASS.、Arenga engleri-Macaranga tanarius ASS.、Cocculus orbiculatus -Pandanus odoratissimus ASS.、Cleyera japonica-Elaeocarpus sylvestris ASS.、Pistacia chinensis-Ficus microcarpa ASS.. These 17 associations are further combined into 10 alliances as following:1.Vitex rotundifolia ALL.2.Saccharum spontaneum ALL.3.Arundo formosana ALL.4.Leucaena leucocephala ALL.5.Broussonetia papyrifera-Macaranga tanarius ALL.6.Pandanus odoratissimus ALL.7.Casuarina equisetfolia ALL.8.Miscanthus sinensis ALL.9.Cleyera japonica-Elaeocarpus sylvestris ALL.10. Pistacia chinensis-Ficus microcarpa ALL. These categories are further tagged with four types of artificial landscape as in the following list number 11 to 14 and three types of nature landscape as in the following number 15 to 17. 11.artificial forest 12. cultivated lands 13. construction sites 14. roads and railroad 15.beach、riverbed 16.landslide site 17.river . All those iterms were chosen to represent real vegetation map units in the areas survey conducted. The result indicates the vegetation of the Broussonetia papyrifera-Macaranga tanarius associationis the largest association which covers 53.62 hectares in the areas. As for the Leucaena leucocephala, the second largest association is about 45.38 hactares in the area. Both associations are respectively constituted 8.4% and 7.1% of total analytical areas. The result also indicates that the beach、riverbed landscape covers largest areas in the natural landscapes is about 181.53 hectares of the total investigated area while cultivated land is the largest in the total artificial landscape in the investigation. It is about 79.60 hectares. Both landscape areas are respectively counted as 28.6% and 12.5% of total analytical areas. The results of the DCA analysis indicates that topographic is the key environmental factors that affects vegetation. The Taroko costal area is isolated by the steep landforms. The distribution of vegetation is also affected by the narrow sand beach under the cliff. so that the typical costal plants and vegetation were fewer, In addition, the interference from human activities were series.Therefore the artificial forest and cultivated lands have constituted a fairly large area while the nature vegetation in the secondary forest is full of the interfering pioneer species.

Keywords:costal vegetation、DCA、tabular comparison、Taroko National Park、TWINSPAN、vegetation map.