  • 氣溫:26 ℃
  • 降雨:60%


  • 發布日期:99-03-25
  • 瀏覽數:911
本研究主要目的在探討社區聯繫力與觀光遊憩活動對於原住民部落之衝擊影響。研究範圍為鄰近太魯閣國家公園,主要居民為太魯閣族群之可樂部落為探討主體,調查方式是在社區內以逐戶問卷調查方式進行,總計回收85份居民問卷。   研究結果將觀光衝擊認知以因素分析區分為四個因素構面,再利用結構方程模式分析獲得社區聯繫力構面與觀光衝擊構面之間的關係模式,以驗證研究假設。結果發現本研究三項假設均獲得成立: 1.觀光衝擊認知會因居民社區聯繫力的不同而有差異,特別是促進文化與建設及經濟活動影響因素構面,當社區聯繫力越高時,其認知程度會越明顯 2.社區聯繫力會因居民屬性不同而有所差異 3.觀光衝擊認知會因居民屬性不同而有所差異   並針對研究結果提出相關建議與後續研究方向提供相關單位與社區發展組織未來在研擬規劃發展策略時,做為參考之用,針對社區的聯繫力制訂其社會承載力以降低觀光發展衝擊影響層面。 【關鍵字】社區網絡、社區聯繫力、觀光衝擊 Abstract In recent years, tourism development has been thought as an instrument to improve the local economy and community residents’ standard of living. Reversely, numerous researches have been pointed out that communities in many rural destinations were negatively affected the social-cultural, economic and environmental dimension by tourism. The social structure of the aboriginal community may be disrupted by tourism impacts through developing . Hence, the main purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between community intimacy and tourism impacts in aboriginal community. The objectives of this study were (1) to understand the residents’ community intimacy ; (2) to identify the perception of the local residents towards the impacts of tourism; (3) to examine the relationship between community intimacy and tourism impacts. On-site questionnaire survey was applied here to investigate the residents in Kele tribal community nearby Taroko National Park. Total of 85 valid questionnaires were received. The study developed a theoretical model to examine the effect of community intimacy on the host community’s perception of the tourism impacts. The model was tested by applying SEM analysis. Social capacity of host community toward the impacts of tourism are to be a very important planning and developing consideration for the future tourism programs. The results can also provide more appropriate strategies for the host community and the local government to minimize the impacts of tourism. The results of this study are summarized as follows: (1) there were significant correlation among community intimacy and the perception of tourism impacts, that residents were more affected to the positive and economic aspects than other aspects. (2) the community intimacy was affected by residents’ sociodemographic characteristics. (3) the perception of tourism impacts were affected by residents’ sociodemographic characteristics. key word:community network;community intimacy;tourism impact