  • 氣溫:20 ℃
  • 降雨:40%


  • 發布日期:99-03-25
  • 瀏覽數:747
一、研究緣起 瞭解國家公園之遊客需求及各遊憩據點之遊客數量分配情形才能擬定有效之經營管理策略。本計畫主要目的在於收集太魯閣國家公園之遊客資料,包括進入太魯閣國家公園峽谷段之遊客數量估計與預測、遊客對於國家公園所提供各種服務與各遊憩據點經營管理現況之意見。 二、研究方法及過程 本計畫進行為期一年之長期遊客量監測與遊憩滿意度調查,遊客量調查方面,選擇進入太魯閣國家公園峽谷段三個入口調查進入研究範圍之遊客數量。遊客問卷調查則於六個重要遊憩據點進行遊客隨機抽樣調查,以收集遊客對各遊憩據點之滿意度及經營管理建議、遊客在太魯閣國家公園內之遊程等相關資料。最後進行九十三年度全年遊客量推估,並應用時間數列模型預測未來全區以及各據點之遊客量。 三、重要發現 調查結果發現1.太魯閣國家公園峽谷段遊客主要動機為接近大自然與賞景。2.大部份遊客對於太魯閣國家公園所提供之各項服務及各遊憩據點之經營狀況表示高度滿意。3.遊客對全區之整體滿意度極高(8.24/10),並且有高度重遊意願(8.99/10)。4.估計太魯閣國家公園峽谷段九十三年度全年有國內遊客1,269,236人及國際觀光客45,256人。 四、主要建議事項 根據研究結果,本計畫建議:1. 建立主要遊憩據點遊客長期調查模式。2.特殊節慶活動期間進行遊客調查與效益評估。3. 嘗試評估國家公園生態環境保育效益,以衡量國家公園之經營成效。 ABSTRACT Keywords: Taroko National Park, visitor survey, visitor satisfaction, visits forecasting Effective management of national park is heavily relied on the information of visitors’ need and their distribution among recreation sites. The purpose of this project is to collect Taroko National Park visitors’ information, including number of visitors entering Taroko gorge area, visitor forecasting, and visitors’ opinions about the services provided and management of recreation sites. To collect the data of visitor number, number of recreational vehicles was collected at three main entering points during sampled days. Questionnaire were used to collect visitors’ satisfaction level on major scenic spots, their suggestions to management, and the scenic spots they visited during their trip to Taroko National Park. This visitor survey was conducted at six major scenic spots and the respondents were randomly sampled. Finally, visits to Taroko National Park were estimated and the time series model was used for forecasting future visitations. The major findings of this project are summarized as followed: 1. the most important motivation is to close the nature and to appreciate beautiful landscape. 2. Most visitors are satisfied with the services provided and satisfied with the management of most recreation sites. 3. Visitors’ are highly satisfied with their trip (8.24/10) and are willing to revisit Taroko National Park in the future (8.99/10). 4. there are estimated 1,269,236 domestic visitors and 45,256 foreign tourists visit Taroko gorge area during year 2004. Based on the results of this project, we suggest: 1. to establish long-term visitor survey plan on main scenic spots. 2. Conduct visitor survey when there are special festival events to estimate its benefits. 3. In addition to recreational benefits, the value of environmental conservation benefits should be estimated to measure the effectiveness of national park management.