  • 氣溫:24 ℃
  • 降雨:40%


  • 發布日期:99-03-25
  • 瀏覽數:873
本研究透過太魯閣國家公園區內具有與原住民社區建立良好互動潛力的生態旅遊預定地—砂卡礑、大同和大禮等地區之行動研究,結合權益關係人共同參與地方生態旅遊發展問題之研討,建立該地生態旅遊發展之社區參與論壇和機制,作為未來訂定該地生態旅遊行動計畫之夥伴關係基礎。研究結果發現砂卡礑及大禮大同地區發展生態旅遊的問題,主要來自不同的權益關係人對於生態旅遊所涉及的「生產(經濟)」、「生活(社會)」和「生態(環境)」三項目標,各有著不同的解讀和權重:國家公園管理處首重生態保育,社區居民則首重生活和生計,而彼此間溝通尚不足。砂卡礑及大禮大同地區的永續發展對策需要一個持續性的共同規劃和參與過程(群策過程),使社區能真正有所培力,並增進權益關係人之間的夥伴關係及行動能量(即群力)。這樣的過程需要權益關係人共同釐清「三生一體」問題、擬訂妥善對策、建立足夠的信賴和工作夥伴關係、分享人力和財力資源、善用現有法規和行政力、並檢討增訂更適宜的法規和制度等。在此期間,宜繼續進行參與式的行動研究,透過專業協力團隊,協助地方社區培力,積極參與太魯閣國家公園生態旅遊行動計畫之規劃與實施。 關鍵字:國家公園、生態旅遊、社區參與論壇、共同規劃理論、永續發展 文獻引用方式如下:李光中、王鑫 (2004) 太魯閣國家公園砂卡礑及大禮大同社區生態旅遊行動計畫之研究,內政部營建署太魯閣國家公園管理處委託研究報告。 ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to propose a framework of community participatory forums for ecotourism development in the Shakadang, Tatung and Tali Areas of the Taroko National Park. Drawing on a theory of collaborative planning this study provides an in-depth analysis of the management problems of the areas and evaluates the effectiveness of a collaborative approach. The findings show that, first, the main management problems of the areas arise from the different priorities taken by stakeholders to three aspects of interests: ‘economic’, ‘social-cultural’ and ‘environmental’ goals. A sustainable solution to the long-term management of the area requires a continuing programme of collaborative planning so that agreement can be reached about how these three goals can be reconciled. Second, the group meetings and workshops convened with local people and local management authorities provide as new community participatory forums to help stakeholders to build up their institutional capacity. The meetings discussed a range of issues based on local knowledge previously not addressed in traditional planning meetings. The meetings also involved local people who had previously been excluded from the traditional planning processes. Such meetings brought together local people and the local management authorities in a face-to-face, mutual understanding process for the first time. The meetings demonstrate how new political instruments designed to build social capacity amongst all relevant stakeholders can be used as a means of mobilising collaborative actions. KEYWORDS: national park, community-based ecotourism, community participatory forums, theory of collaborative planning, sustainable development