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Wenshan Park

  • Last Updated:2024-03-26
  • Browsing people:3399
  • Dasha River(.jpg)
  • Wenshan Hotel(.jpg)
  • Security Room of Wenshan Hotel(.jpg)
  • Lushui Wenshan Trail(.jpg)
  • Wenshan Hotel seen from Lushui Wenshan Trail(.jpg)
ManagementTianxiang Service Station
Recreation ZoneTianxiang Recreation Area
RemarkLüshui-Wenshan Trail: Near Wenshan is the Lüshui-Wenshan Trail, which spans 5.5 km through a low elevation subtropical broadleaf forest, and is considered a mountaineering trail. Part of the trail was used by police and soldiers during the Japanese occupation. The trailhead is located inside the Taishan Tunnel at the 164.5 km point on the Central Cross-Island Highway (Provincial Hwy. 8).
1. The trail is long and has a mostly steep terrain. Those without a good level of fitness should not attempt to hike it.
2. The trailheads are found at both Lüshui or Wenshan. Please check your transportation arrangements and beware of the weather conditions before proceeding.

**Suggestion: Begin the trail from the Wenshan trailhead and exit at Lüshui. Buses are available near Lüshui on Provincial Highway 8. If you are arriving by motorcycle or car, be sure to arrange appropriate transportation upon exiting the trail.
Phone Number03-8691162
Wenshan is the river terraces formed by the Dasha River, where the Truku people once built the Tobula tribal village. After Central Cross-Island was open in 1960, “Tabidou” built Wen Tianxiang Park and changed the name to “Tianxiang.” At the same time, the “Tobula” Tribe to the west of Tianxiang adopted the new name of “Wenshan” based on the alias of Wen Tianxiang.
History and Culture
Wenshan Park used to house “Wenshan Hotel,” (Wenshan Hotel used to an official residence, one used by former R. O. C. president Chiang Kai-shek) which was built after Central Cross-Island Highway opened. However, after more than 5 decades, the hotel was old and worn out. Therefore, Taroko National Park Headquarters preserved part of the hotel as public restrooms and converted the rest into a park for visitors.
Dasha River cuts through the mountain here to create a valley as well as flat terraces. If you take a closer look at Wenshan, you will see the beautiful scenery of the mountain and gorge, which alters with season. You can also observe the traces left behind by different eras.
Attractions Nearby
Lüshui-Wenshan Trail: Near Wenshan is the Lüshui-Wenshan Trail, which spans 5.5 km through a low elevation subtropical broadleaf forest, and is considered a mountaineering trail. Part of the trail was used by police and soldiers during the Japanese occupation. The trailhead is located inside the Taishan Tunnel at the 167 k point on the Central Cross-Island Highway.
Notices for Lüshui-Wenshan Trail:
  1. The trail is long and mostly steep terrain. Those without a good level of fitness should not attempt to hike it. If the trail is closed, do not force your way in.
  2. The trail can be entered from Lüshui or Wenshan. Please check your transportation arrangements before proceeding.
Traffic Information
Bus1. From Hualien Railway Station, take Hualien Bus 1141 bound for Lishan and alight at Wenshan bus stop arriving.
2. From Xincheng Railway Station or Taroko National Park Headquarters, take Ubus 310 (TaiwanTrip bus- Taroko route) or Ubus 1133 or Taroko Bus #302 bound for Tianxiang and alight at Tianxiang bus stop, and then walk west on Provincial Highway 8 for about 2.5 km.
3. Or bus schedules are available from #iBus Info System, and please check Route Search/ Search by Bus Operator Hualien Bus 1141. Please check English/ Route Search/ Search by Bus Operator/ choose Bus company for Hualien Bus 1141 or Taroko Bus 302 or Ubus 310 and 1133)
DrivingFrom Hualien, take Provincial Highway 8, passing by Taroko, Swallow Grotto (Yanzikou), Cimu Bridge, Lüshui, and Tianxiang to reach Wenshan (at the 165.1 km point on Provincial Highway 8).