  • 氣溫:24 ℃
  • 降雨:20%


  • 發布日期:107-03-12
  • 瀏覽數:1513
為回應原鄉社區對傳統文化之維護與實踐的要求,本計畫針對太魯閣國家公園周邊原住民族各祭典的執行和野生動物的利用進行瞭解。十三位年齡超過50歲的受訪者中,八成都還在打獵。近年來,秀林鄉公所依「野生動物保育法」第21條之1的規定,只有申請聯合舉辦太魯閣族的感恩祭(Mgay Bari)和狩獵祭(但也使用Mgay Bari)。根據觀察與訪談,Mgay Bari會分享山肉(山羌、山羊、山豬、獼猴、飛鼠等),使用總數約為43隻。在七個受訪的教會中,有五個也會在其他節日分享山肉。鄉公所已經向主管機關提案補列歲時祭儀,若通過將明顯增加山肉的使用。雖然「國家公園法」禁止狩獵,但原住民族已普遍存在對野生動物資源有效治理的期待,建議適度修法以強化管理狩獵活動。
關鍵詞:狩獵管理、Mgay Bari、國家公園法、太魯閣族、野生動物保育法、秀林鄉。
This project aimed to understand the implementation of traditional ceremonies and their wildlife utilization in the indigenous communities nearby the Taroko National Park, as a response to the local request in the protection and practicing traditional culture.  Among the 13 over 50-year old interviewees, more than 80% are still hunting.  In the past few years, followed the regulation of the Article 21-1 of the Wildlife Conservation Act, the Xiulin Township Office had applied hunting requirement only for the Mgay Bari Ceremony for the Truku Ethnic Group.  According to the observation and interview, tribal members will share game meat, including muntjac, serow, wild pig, macaque and squirrel, during the ceremony with a total consumption around 43 animals.  Five of 7 churches interviewed also have a tradition of sharing game meat in other holidays.  The Township Office had submitted a proposal to supplement the presently incomplete listing of the Truku’s traditional ceremonies in the government document, which will certainly increase the consumption of those game meats.  Although hunting has been totally banned in the National Park according to the present National Park Act, however, the demand of effective management of wildlife resources within the Park has been widely discussed in the indigenous groups in the recent years, therefore the necessary of proper amendment of the present regulations to improve hunting management is recommended.
Key words: Hunting management, Mgay Bari, National Park Act, Truku Ethnic Group, Wildlife Conservation Act, Xiulin Township.