  • 氣溫:22 ℃
  • 降雨:40%


  • 發布日期:106-01-20
  • 瀏覽數:1955


本計畫分成評量階段、規劃階段、設計階段、概念驗證階段、服務驗證階段與統整展示階段等六個進程;在評量階段,我們訂定資訊擷取與環境品監測KPI ,包含承載量、環境品質、行政管理、技術可行性等面向,以完成峽谷即時遊憩資訊與環境品質監測智慧服務運用之示範實施區域評估。在規劃階段,我們規劃環境、遊客、車輛、管理等部分之合宜資訊取得與相關服務可行性探討。在設計階段,針對服務運用之設施、功能、整體運作模式與效能評量指標進行設計,以順利進行智慧服務運用。在概念驗證階段,我們實作雛型以驗證技術可行性與需求合理性。然後,我們依據使用者接受度,系統環境建構,與服務品質與效率等項目,進行服務驗證階段的工作。最後,我們將概念與服務驗證所得之回饋,修正所規劃之服務系統,以呈現完整之整體服務與應用概念。


There are more and more impacts on traffic, facilities, environmental quality and recreational quality by tourists in National Taroko park area year after year. To enhance tourist experience, the service of notifying significant recreational information to tourists is demanding. Although many ICT-based tourist service systems have existed, they are tourists-centric, limited to services of environmental and cultural interpretation, GPS location-based, social information sharing, health-care, travel planning, traffic information, live video, data retrieval, news pushing, web pages browsing, etc. Therefore, in addition to provide tourists-centric service, it is worth planning one system providing services for improving recreation and administration management.
In this project, there are six phases to be proceeded including evaluation, planning, design, proof of concept, proof of service and overall scenario demonstration phases. In evaluation phase, we itemize KPIs of data retrieval and environmental monitoring such as recreational carrying capacity, environmental quality, administration management, and technology viability to evaluate regions for choosing an exemplar on. In planning phase, we analyze requirements of environment, tourists, vehicles, and administration aspects to propose suitable services. In design phase, we design a hardware system architecture, software functional architecture for both server and client ends, and system performance evaluation KPIs. In proof of concept phase, we implement a prototype to prove the technology feasibility and service suitability. Then, we measure tourist acceptability, system environment setup, and service quality and efficiency in proof of service phase. Finally, in overall scenario demonstration phase, we propose the concept integrated data visualization and intelligent service application.
Our proposed service system is not only based on data gathering and information sharing, but also provides integrated data analysis and computation such that the project goal of integrated data visualization and intelligent service application could be accomplished.